Agenda item

16/01512/FUL: Land Adjacent Astons Villa And Appletons, Brentwood Road, Bulphan, Essex


The application sought permission for the change of use of the land to residential use to allow occupation of the site by a Gypsy Traveller family, with permission for one caravan and one campervan on site.  As the site was within the Green Belt, the development would be considered inappropriate.  The applicant had put forward what they considered to be “very special circumstances” however these were not deemed by officers to outweigh the harm identified to the Green Belt.


A Ward Councillor, Councillor Brian Little, was invited to the Committee to present his statement of objection.


The agent, Joseph Jones, was invited to the Committee to present his statement of support.


Councillor Ojetola asked for clarification around the weighting of the very special circumstances put forward by the applicant.  The Principal Planner referred to pages 42-44 of the report which analysed the very special circumstances put forward by the applicants.


Councillor Rice asked whether the Council was looking to authorise some of the existing “tolerated” sites in the emerging Local Plan, to address the unmet need for Traveller sites in the borough.  The Presenting officer advised that a Gypsy and Traveller Need Assessment was taking place.  The figures were not currently public but the assessment would review sites in the Borough.  The site proposed in this application was a new site and there were no residents on site.  The Head of Planning and Growth advised that figures for the Borough’s requirements would be likely to be available by September 2018.


The Chair queried whether the unmet need within Thurrock might be a relevant factor were the applicant to appeal a refusal.  The Committee was advised that the Planning Inspectorate would look at both the existing and future provision and would weigh up with the Very Special Circumstances.  The unmet need alone would not be enough to allow permission.  The Head of Planning and Growth advised the Council was currently reviewing its Local Plan, including provision for Gypsy and Traveller need, and that if the applicants wished to propose new sites that would be the best way to approach the site.  National Planning Guidance stipulated that applications for traveller sites should be assessed in the same way as conventional housing.   


Councillor Rice stated he would support the Officer’s recommendation; however it was becoming apparent that there was a need to look at transit camps within Thurrock and the possibility of authorising “tolerated” sites to safeguard against unmet need.


Councillor Ojetola sought clarity as to the definition of temporary.  Members heard that there was no set timeframe for “temporary” permission, which was defined on a case by case basis.  The application had been assessed and the recommendation was for refusal, rather than temporary permission.  Councillor Ojetola agreed there was a need to ensure there was enough provision for gypsy and traveller sites within the borough but supported the Officer’s recommendation on this application.


Councillor Piccolo felt that, while there may be a lack of sites in Thurrock, granting permission for 2 pitches would have no real impact in the wider provision and the harm to the Green Belt would have more weighting.  He expressed support for the Officer’s recommendation.


It was proposed by Councillor Rice and seconded by Councillor Churchman that the application be refused as per the Officer’s recommendation.


For:                  Councillors Tom Kelly (Chair), Chris Baker, Colin Churchman, Tunde Ojetola, Terry Piccolo, David Potter and Gerard Rice.


Against:           (0)


Abstain:           (0)




That the application be refused.


Supporting documents: