The Principal Officer advised the Committee that the application sought planning permission for a residential development of 53 affordable units, with a mixture of 1-2 bedroom flats, 1-2 bedroom bungalows and 3 bedroom houses.
Councillor Ojetola sought clarity as to why there was no mention of a financial contribution towards education, and why it was deemed the proposal offered improved open spaces. Members were advised that the applicant indicated the viability of the development was marginal. The site would provide 100% affordable housing and 3 high-quality outside space areas. In addition the proposed development would provide homes for existing residents and accordingly not create new pressures in terms of residents and an increased education burden would not therefore arise. In terms of the improved outside spaces the site currently was a walkthrough rather than a destination and was not well used at present. The application proposed 0.5 hectare of high quality open space with structural planting and a poppy meadow, which would be accessible to everyone, not just residents of the new development.
Councillor Piccolo asked for confirmation that there would still be access for members of the public to get through if the current site was used as a footway. Members were assured that there would be footpaths so the links through the site would remain, and would be both better and safer for pedestrians.
Councillor Piccolo expressed concern, recalling a recent application to reduce the affordable housing provision of a development following unforeseen costs. He asked for guarantees that, given the marginal viability of the development, all appropriate investigations and had been carried out to avoid the provision for this development being compromised. The Committee was advised that the development’s funding was based upon provision of entirely affordable housing.
The Vice-Chair enquired whether the properties would be run by the Council or a Housing Association. Members were advised that the scheme was for social housing units.
The agent, Michelle Minogue, was invited to the Committee to give her statement of support.
Councillor Rice, as a Chadwell-St-Mary Ward Councillor, welcomed the application. He felt the development would provide valuable units, particularly the bungalows which might help free larger, family homes by relocating sole tenants. Councillor Rice said there were currently around 8000 people on the Council’s waiting list and these were the first Council homes to be built in Chadwell since the 1970s. He informed the Committee that the Chadwell-St-Mary Community Forum supported the scheme, and so did he.
Councillor Ojetola also welcomed the development and agreed that it was well designed and would be good for the area. While he understood the reasons in this instance, he was cautious that there were seemingly an increased number of applications which could not provide financial contributions, and suggested the Council should do more to concrete the details around this. On the whole however he felt the scheme in question was quite brilliant and he offered his support.
The Vice-Chair suggested this application could stand as a blueprint for other Local Authorities, and that it should be replicated throughout Thurrock. He expressed his view that the Committee, Officers and applicant should be proud and that it was a very well designed development.
Councillor Baker agreed entirely that this was a very welcome application and there should be more of its kind, there was a need to build properties for Thurrock residents.
The Chair agreed that it was a well-designed development, and particularly welcomed the range of properties. The application had been through a CABE design review which was very positive. He expressed interest in ensuring that the landscaping remained as projected as the development progressed.
It was proposed by Councillor Rice and seconded by the Vice-Chair that the application be approved subject to conditions as per the Officer’s recommendation.
For: Councillors Tom Kelly (Chair), Kevin Wheeler (Vice-Chair), Chris Baker, Colin Churchman, Steve Liddiard, Tunde Ojetola, Terry Piccolo, David Potter and Gerard Rice.
Against: (0)
Abstain: (0)
The Chair expressed his opinion that it had been a very constructive meeting in which the Committee had approved applications which would provide lots of jobs for the area and over 250 homes, which was a quarter of the Council’s yearly target.
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