Agenda item

Presentation on the Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Service


Tina Russell, Area Manager, North East London National Health Service Foundation and Michael Watts Jimenez, Team Manager, Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Service (EWMHS) from North East London National Health Service Foundation (NELFT), delivered a presentation on the specific needs of Looked After Children and the impact the emotional wellbeing and mental health service had on the wellbeing of children in care.


The presentation highlighted:


           The service delivery and development with a large scale recruitment campaign.

           Digital opportunities available were the Big White Wall on-line service and the NELFT EWMHS App.

           Support for schools through the Essex Training Programme in 2016/17.

           Implementation post consultation of Care Pathway Model.

           Thurrock Hub would be relocated in spring 2017.

           Referrals received, caseloads, presenting problems, vulnerable groups and pathways to treatment were explained to Members.

           Improved Access Psychological Treatment, Assessments and Outcome Measurements were discussed.

           The role of EWMHS was described and a snap shot of open cases were explained to Members.


Councillor Redsell stated that the services should be offered to all children. Tina Russell stated that the service was and would be prioritised on the presenting need. Looked After Children were fast tracked in seven days.


Councillor Kerin stated that it was positive news on the Big White Wall and asked where the new hub would be situated. Michael Watts Jimenez stated that the service was offered to all children in Greater Essex and the new hub would be in situated in Maidstone Road in Grays.


Councillor MacPherson asked what services were available in the evenings and weekends. Michael Watts Jimenez confirmed that services were the standard National Health Service opening times of Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm but discussions had taken place and was confident that clinics would soon be open longer and later.


The Chair asked what the implications would be for the service’s increased caseload and asked Officers how they propose to sustain the improved waiting times for assessment. Tina Russell stated that this would always be a challenge as the number of referrals go up the resources would become tighter. Tina Russell further stated that the offer to young people could not be changed as this was based on need and would continue to be a challenge. Paula Gregory stated that the Government recognised that challenges were being faced as referral numbers increased and that money had been allocated to reduce waiting times and appoint further practitioners.


Paula Gregory stated that reassurance must be given to ensure that it was actually the voice of the child being heard as part of the first telephone consultation.


Paula McCullough encouraged the continued use of NELFT.


The Chair asked Officers what the workaround would be for those parents that could not change. Andrew Carter stated that early offer of help and intervention would take place to ensure the right balance was met.


The Chair thanked Officers for the report and asked for regular updates.




That the Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Service Report be presented to Corporate Parenting Members in the next municipal year for further update.