Agenda item

2024/25 Revenue Budget Savings Proposals (Decision: 110688)


The Leader explained that the next 3 reports have some exempt appendices and therefore reminded members and officers not to discuss the exempt appendices whilst the meeting is being live streamed. If anyone does wish to discuss the contents of the exempt appendices the meeting will go into a closed session and members of the press and public will be asked to leave the meeting.


Councillor Snell introduced the report and confirmed that the report sets out the revenue budget saving proposals for 2024/25. The savings total 18.2 million and there are 53 proposals considered deliverable in 2024/25. Some of the proposals require further investigation before outcomes can be fully established. Cabinet is being asked to note and not agree the proposals tonight. Some savings have gone out to public consultation which are still open and some are yet to go through the scrutiny process. Councillor Snell stated that they wanted to be open and transparent and there will be a scrutiny meeting on the 14 February 2023. Cabinet is also being asked to approve the transformation expenditure in para 3.10 which will be met from transformation budget of 11.3 million.


Councillor Snell confirmed that they are not considering a 10% rise in Council Tax this year.


The Leader commented that it is important that the budget savings proposals go through scrutiny and he welcomes suggestions from the council and public consultations.


Councillor Coxshall highlighted how important the budget meeting was with all 49 councillors present. It was very different from how they had dealt it previously, the meeting was a marathon and they went line by line through the proposals. Councillor Coxshall thanked members and officers.


Councillor D Arnold stated that for the first time fully worked business cases were sitting around the proposals and the best work has been done to realise the proposals. The budget savings proposals have been presented to all 49 councillors and subject to 5 hours of scrutiny. The budget has been given a greater level of due diligence than she has seen in her time as a councillor.


Councillor Carter agreed the scrutiny of the budget has improved and he welcomed it.


Councillor B Maney responded to Councillor Snell’s comments that they are not considering a 10% rise in Council Tax this year. He welcomed it but made clear that they are not ignoring the fact that Thurrock has a very difficult job to do and they need to address the deficiency in their base budget.




1.1          That Cabinet note the savings proposals at paragraphs 3.2.3 and 3.2.4 and 3.6.2, for which consultation started on the 29th November 2023 and ends on the 19th January 2024 and 7th January 2024, respectively.


1.2          That Cabinet note that the remainder of the savings proposal at paragraph 3.9.7 will be reported as noted as a separate item to the Overview and Scrutiny meeting on the 14th February 2024 for final consideration.


1.3          That Cabinet note that the Outline Business Case savings reported to Overview and Scrutiny on 28th November 2023, are to be re-presented when at the Full Business Case stage on the 14th February 2024 for final consideration, these are at listed at paragraphs 3.3.5 and 3.9.1, 2 and 3.


1.4          That Cabinet approve the estimated expenditure as set out in paragraph 3.10, which will be met from the Transformation budget.


1.5          That Cabinet note that those proposals presented at Overview and Scrutiny on the 28th November 2023 and noted as needing a CEIA (Appendix B) at the second stage will be reported to Overview and Scrutiny on the 14th February 2024 for final consideration.


1.6          That Cabinet approve all proposals totalling £11.3m as listed in Appendix C that are able to progress to implementation and maximise achievable benefit in 2024/25.


1.7          That Cabinet note that there are a number of proposals that are being consulted on, have outstanding CEIA’s or require further development; these total £6.9m. Details are at Appendix C.


1.8          That Cabinet note the savings form part of the wider budget setting process and that the overall 2024/25 budget will be reported for Full Council Approval in February 2024.


Reason for the decision: as outlined in the report

This decision is subject to call-in




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