Agenda item

23/00913/TBC: Garage site, Lyndhurst Road, Corringham



The Principal Planner presented the application and highlighted the following:

·       The proposal relates to the redevelopment of a garage court site to the rear of residential properties in Lyndhurst Road and Mackley drive, Corringham.

·       A further letter of objection from a resident has been received which raises similar concerns to those mentioned in the report already. 

·       The Proposed Site Plan and Proposed Ground Floor Plan refs. 003 and 001 respectively, have been revised and updated so that they should read 003 Rev B and 001 rev B as new plans were received today.  These plans are included in the presentation but these details will need to be updated in the plans table of Condition 2 on page 58 as well as in the report on page 43. 

·       The proposal seeks to redevelop the site to provide 6 two storey houses.  A short terrace of 4, 3 bed houses are proposed to be sited immediately south of the existing terrace fronting Lyndhurst Rd.  These 4 dwellings would be well-positioned and follow the existing pattern of development locally.  A pair of semi-detached dwellings would be sited to the north-eastern corner of the site and would be accessed via an internal access road leading to the units. Parking provision would be made to the south and north-eastern boundaries of the site, and the majority of the existing accesses would remain.

·       The proposals would be acceptable in principle and would comply with all technical policies in relation to amenity space, parking and highway matters and neighbour amenity impacts.  The devt would provide 6 affordable housing units and would be operated by the Council.  The application is recommended for approval as per page 57.

·       All dwellings would retain rear access except 2 Mackley Drive

Members asked the following questions: -


·       Councillor P Arnold queried what steps are being taking to future proof these buildings. The Principal Planner confirmed that the application was subject to pre-application advice. There will be solar panels on the roof of all the units and a good standard of noise insulation on the windows.

·       Councillor Watson queried if they were confident there was enough access as it looks narrow. The Highways officer confirmed there are two routes in for access and he had no concerns. The proposals have been checked with refuse collection too. There are therefore no concerns from a Highways point of view.

·       Councillor P Arnold queried if the access route will be properly paved. The Principal Planner confirmed it is a condition of the hard and soft landscaping that the surfacing would be replaced.


Statement of Objection – Mel Thomas (Neighbour)


Statement of Support – Newground Architects


The Principal Planner confirmed there will be a traffic condition and a traffic management plan. The hours of work, waiting restrictions will all be detailed in the condition. The Highways Officer clarified that lorries will be arriving outside of school times as it is close to Giffards school.


During the debate members commented as follows: -


·       Councillor P Arnold commented that he does understand the concerns regarding traffic through Mackley Drive. There are hundreds of properties in that area and there should have been more access points. Councillor P Arnold stated that the development is only looking at 6 properties and it is nicely proportioned, he welcomed the application.

·       Councillor Polley thanked the resident for attending and stated that it was refreshing to hear someone compliment a consultation process. Councillor Polley recommended that in relation to the highways issue the Local Development Plan consultation is online and residents can put comments on there. Councillor Polley also thanked officers for supporting the committee and providing detailed responses, this is the third application received which is delivering affordable housing and future proof housing. There is a lot to be celebrated in the application.

·       Councillor Piccolo added that he understands residents concern over vehicles, the garages haven’t been used for a while but there were 67 garages which meant there could have been 67 cars using the area, in the future it will only be 12.

·       Councillor Watson stated that they are affordable council houses. She stated that she has got reservations about the access road but noted that highways are confident this will be ok. She confirmed she will be supporting the application.

·       Councillor Shinnick welcomed the application and commented that more 2 bed properties are needed in the Borough.

·       Councillor Liddiard stated that it will be a fantastic improvement with the anti-social behaviour behind these properties.

·       The Officer’s recommendation was recommended by Councillor Shinnick and seconded by Cllr Watson.


For: (8) Councillors Tom Kelly (Chair), Georgette Polley (Vice Chair), Terry Piccolo, Jaqui Maney, Lee Watson, Steve Liddiard, Sue Shinnick, Paul Arnold


Against: (0)


Abstained: (0)




Supporting documents: