Agenda item

Draft Thurrock Design Charter (Decision: 110670)


The Interim Director of Place introduced the report. He apologised that the report in the agenda included the recommendations for the Planning, Transport and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider. The correct recommendation that should be before Cabinet will be read out at the end of the item.


The Interim Director of Place stated that the Thurrock Design Charter provides an update to the adopted Thurrock Design Strategy SPD (March 2017). The Charter reflects recent changes to national policy, guidance, and best practice in relation to design and place-making as well as aligning with more recent published Council strategies. The development of the Charter and its consultation aligns with the development of the Local Plan and helps inform and provide a baseline for strategic policies on design, including the forthcoming borough-wide design code.


As a Local Planning Authority, the Council is expected to follow the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) as a material consideration, which requires Local Plans to set out a clear vision for design, including the preparation of design guides or codes, developed with local communities that reflect local aspirations. Additionally, the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill intends to make the production and adoption of a design code a statutory requirement for all local planning authorities. The Thurrock Design Charter has been refined to act as a ‘vision statement’ for a wider design code for Thurrock, preparing for this proposed new statutory duty. Paragraph 2.6 sets out the key differences between the current adopted design strategy from 2017 and this proposed draft.


The Interim Director of Place confirmed the amendments to the recommendation as set out below.


Councillor Coxshall stated that one of the key differences between this design strategy and the last one is the language used was complex and difficult to understand. Councillor Coxshall commented that he was really glad this has been changed in the current strategy as it should be a document that anyone can pick up and read and be able to understand what is trying to be delivered. Councillor Coxshall highlighted that officers should be mindful of this when it goes out to consultation.


The Interim Director of Place confirmed that whilst all the recommendations were accepted by the Planning, Transport and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee they did encourage officers to consider some of the language in parts of the report and that will be done before it goes out to consultation.


Councillor Snell agreed with the recommendation and commented that the report is clear and looks uplifting and encouraging however if this report is going out to the public, page 6 was unreadable and needs to be changed.


Councillor Jefferies stated that we have promised a local plan and this is the first step.




1.1      Cabinet is asked to approve the draft Thurrock Design Charter for public consultation and agree to delegate authority to the Interim Director of Place in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder to make any changes resulting from that consultation and to adopt the final version.



Reason for the decision: As outlined in the report

This decision is subject to call-in






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