Agenda item

Motion submitted by Councillor J Kent


The Motion, as printed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor J Kent and seconded by Councillor Kerin. The Motion read as follows:

Council welcomes the release of the Best Value Inspection report, endorses its recommendations, and resolves to move to all out elections from May 2024.

Councillor J Kent presented the motion by stating in the past he had been a supporter of elections by thirds but given the catastrophic failure of the council’s finances and the findings from the Best Value Inspection report it was clear the move to all out elections must be undertaken as soon as possible. It was important not to allow this decision to be stalled as the Best Value Inspection report had noted the work to bring member attention to the big strategic issues was only possible a few months each year before they entered into election mode the following year. The improvement and recovery plan needed to be delivered as quickly as possible without any distraction of having two sets of elections within the next two years. Costs would also be incurred twice if delaying the all out elections. Councillor J Kent summed up by stating residents needed to have their say as quickly as possible and urged members to move to all out elections from next year.


An amendment to this motion had been received from Councillor Jefferies and seconded by Councillor Coxshall and read as follows:


Council welcomes the release of the Best Value Inspection report, endorses its recommendations, and resolves to request the independent boundary review be sped up to allow for an all-out election as soon as possible.


Councillor Jefferies presented the amended motion by endorsing the Best Value Inspection that all out elections were needed but did not want to see the public purse having to carry out and pay for election after election. The boundary review was required to be completed as quickly as possible and then go for all out elections.


The following points were made:


·       The current offering of thirds, all out and then another all out for boundary review was not acceptable.

·       Understood the council in its state required to have a secure administration going forward.

·       Concern that if the boundary review took place in 2024, could mean a triple hit of elections with no sense of recovery.

·       Members needed to get together to find a sensible resolution.

·       All out elections would save money.

·       It was important to get the boundary review underway as soon as possible before moving to all out elections.

·       There were no pending boundary reviews on the boundary commission website for Thurrock.

·       The council needed to be reset and change was welcomed.

·       Thurrock residents deserved forthright representation in the chamber and proposed two elections one 2024 and one in 2025.

·       Point made that all out four elections provided continuity between members and officers.

·       Members previously agreed the Best Value Inspection report recommendations, one of those recommendations was a four-year election.

·       There was no mention of a boundary review in recommendation 6.

·       Residents had the right to judge by voting in an all out election, this was the right time for this to take place.


At 10.18pm, Councillor J Kent raised a standing order to allow the meeting to continue until the close of business. All members agreed.


The Mayor called a vote on the amended Motion to which Councillor J Kent requested a requisition vote.


For: Councillors Abbas, Anderson, D Arnold, P Arnold, Carter, Collins, Coxshall, Duffin, Halden, Jefferies, Johnson, Kelly, Little, B Maney, J Maney, Ononaji, Pearce, Piccolo, Redsell, Rigby, Sammons, Snell, Spillman and Thandi (24)


Against: Councillors Allen, Byrne, Cecil, Chukwu, Fish, Green, Hartstean, Hooper, Hurrell, C Kent, J Kent, Kerin, Liddiard, Manwa, Massey, Morris-Cook, Muldowney, Panjala, Raper, Shinnick, Speight, Watson and Worrall (23)


Abstain: (0)


The Mayor announced the amended motion was carried.


The Mayor called a vote on the substantive motion to which Councillor J Kent requested a requisition vote.


For: Councillors Abbas, Anderson, D Arnold, P Arnold, Carter, Cecil, Chukwu, Collins, Coxshall, Duffin, Fish, Green, Halden, Hartstean, Hooper, Hurrell, Jefferies, Johnson, Kelly, C Kent, J Kent, Kerin, Liddiard, Little, B Maney, J Maney, Manwa, Morris-Cook, Muldowney, Ononaji, Panjala, Pearce, Piccolo, Raper, Redsell, Rigby, Sammons, Shinnick, Snell, Spillman, Thandi, Watson and Worrall (43)


Against: Councillors, Allen, Byrne and Speight (3)


Abstain: Councillor Massey (1)


The Mayor announced the substantive Motion carried.


The recording of this meeting can be found from the following link:


Council - Wednesday 28 June 2023, 7:00pm - Thurrock Council committee meeting webcasts (



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