Venue: Committee Room 2, Civic Offices 3, New Road, Grays, Essex, RM17 6SL.
Contact: Kenna Victoria Healey, Senior Democratic Services Officer Email:
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Standing Advisory Council for Religious Educationmeeting held on 18 January 2023. Minutes: The minutes of the Standing Advisory Council on Religious Educationmeeting on 18 January 2023 were approved as a correct record. |
Items of Urgent Business To receive additional items that the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency, in accordance with Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Appointment of Chair and Vice-Chairs Minutes: Nominations were invited for the appointment of Chair of the Committee. Mr Anderson commented he was happy to remain as Chair unless someone else wish to. Mrs Everett nominated Mr Anderson and was seconded by Ms Culloty, that Mr Anderson be appointed and remain as Chair of the Committee.
Nominations were invited for the appointment of Vice Chair of Committees A, B, C and D.
Committee A: Mr T Ojetola Committee B: Mrs R Everett Committee C: Ms J Culloty Committee D: Councillor Thandi
Paganism and RE in Thurrock Minutes: The representative from the Pagan Federation addressed SACRE highlighting the following:
Members thanked the representative for her presentation and for the factsheet which had been circulated prior to the meeting.
It was enquired as to whether there was any guidance which SACRE could consider if there were any schools where pupils were identifying themselves with paganism so they could see themselves within the curriculum. It was advised that the Pagan Federation were working with RE Online to provide guidance for schools and there was currently documentation online which could be used by schools.
1. Read the factsheet circulated in advance of the meeting and consider questions they might like to ask 2. Decide whether or not they consider it to be appropriate to recommend to the council to include a representative of the Pagan Federation to join SACRE (Committee A)
Minutes: The report was introduced by the Chair of SACRE who advised this item was previously presented at a previous meeting where Members looked at updating SACRE’s guidance to schools on collective worship and had decided to update the documentation which was included within the agenda.
The Associate Advisor for Religious Education explained as there had been some changes and amendments to the document, it was felt it better to bring back the report to SACRE for final approval before sending out to the schools.
Members thanked the Associate Advisor for Religious Education for including the amendments mentioned at the previous meeting and for her work on the document.
That SCARE agreed that the updated advice (Appendix 1) be sent to schools acknowledging revisions made (see Executive summary) following discussion at the Spring Term meeting (Appendix 1)
Update on National Developments and Opportunities Minutes: The Chair of SACRE introduced the report which had been presented at the previous meeting and following that meeting it was asked that this be included within the newsletter which was sent to all schools.
The Associate Advisor for Religious Education confirmed that the newsletter had been sent to schools following approval from the Chair on the contents from SACRE.
1. Reviewed the information collected at Appendix 1 2. Evaluated the relevance of each section for RE in Thurrock 3. Authorised the adviser to share the attached update with schools and their governing boards. |
Spirited Arts (Verbal update) Minutes: The Associate Advisor for Religious Education advised that pack for the Spirited Arts Competition had been circulated to SACRE Members and they had been asked to rank their favourite for each year group and age categories scoring first, second and third. These were to be collated via the Associate Advisor for Religious Education who would in turn announce the winners.
Members were asked if they would be happy to present a prize and certificate to one of the winners, to get in touch with the Associate Advisor for Religious Education.
Recruitment, Training and Retention of Teachers of RE Minutes: The report was introduced by the Associate Advisor for Religious Education during which it was acknowledged:
Consult with school leaders to collect information about: · whether challenges in recruitment of RE specialists affects Thurrock Schools · what strategies they have used to fill vacant posts, timetable slots e.g. changes to the curriculum, retraining teachers of other subjects, being involved in SCITTs (School centred initial teacher training) apprentice schemes etc? · What impact the shortage of teachers has on provision for RE