Decision details

A Sustainable Children's Social Care System for the Future: Annual Public Health Report 2017 (Decision 0110452)

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: For Determination

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


That the contents of the report and its recommendations on creating a sustainable children’s social care system be approved by Cabinet.


The Portfolio Holder for Education and Health started by praising the work of the Director of Public Health and his team for all of the hard work they have carried out.


He continued by informing Cabinet that the report analysed the reasons for growing pressures on the system, produced forecasts for future demand and made recommendations on how the system could become more sustainable.  In particular, seeing the whole case not just a child or family who required a certain service and then being left in a system.


Councillor Halden further observed that, moving forwards, issues such as mental health would need to be addressed as this was not something which could be handled in a classroom. He stated that a failure to act could be more costly in the long term.


Councillor S. Little thanked Councillor Halden for the report and congratulated the Director of Public Health and his team for all of their hard work. She further stated that it was important that the focus was kept on what could be done to help children and young people in care.


The Leader echoed his congratulations to the Portfolio Holder and the Public Health team. He commented it was the Council’s responsibility to ensure that children in care, were given the help they needed in the first instance and not left in the care system.




1.    That the contents and recommendations of the report be noted by Cabinet.


2.    That Cabinet approved to hold a Mental Health summit to address emotional and mental health issues which contribute to the wider health and wellbeing issues amongst young people. 



Reason for Decision – as stated in the report

This decision is subject to call-in

Report author: Ian Wake (Corporate Director of Adults, Housing and Health)

Publication date: 15/01/2018

Date of decision: 10/01/2018

Decided at meeting: 10/01/2018 - Cabinet

Effective from: 23/01/2018

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