Outside body

Essex Police Fire and Crime Panel




The Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner will be scrutinised by the Police, Fire and Crime Panel.  Their role is to support the effective exercise of the PFCC’s functions.


The Panel is made up of representatives from each district. Two independent members have also been appointed.


The Panel has a number of functions. These are:


           Scrutiny of the Police and Crime Plan and Fire and Rescue Plan

           Scrutiny of the Annual Report for the police and the Fire and Rescue

           Scrutiny of the appointment and dismissal of the Chief Constable and Chief
            Fire Officer

           Scrutiny of the appointment of the OPFCC Chief Executive, OPFCC Chief
            Financial Officer, Deputy PFCC and Essex County Fire and Rescue Service
            Chief Financial Officer

           To review the fire and rescue precept  and policing precept proposed by the
            PFCC with the power of veto

           Deal with non-criminal complaints against the DPFCC and PFCC


The Panel is required to hold a minimum of four public meetings a year.

Contact information

Phone: 01245 291600

Website: https://cmis.essex.gov.uk/essexcmis5/EssexPolice,FireandCrimePanel.aspx

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