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Admissions Forum
Allocations Scheme Task and Finish Panel
Anti-Social Behaviour Review
Appeals Committee
ASELA Joint Committee
Audit Committe
Audit Committee
Basildon and Thurrock University Hospital Review Panel
Best Value and Performance Improvement Committee
Bus Service Review Panel
Business Plannning Scrutiny Panel
Call-In and Requests for Review Scrutiny Panel
Call-In Scrutiny Panel (Audit)
Call-Ins and Requests for Review Srutiny Panel
Child Exploitation Task and Finish Group
Children's Services Commission
Children's Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Children, Schools and Family Scrutiny Panel
Civic Awards Panel
Cleaner, Greener and Safer Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Community Engagement Overview and Scrutiny Review Panel
Community Engagement Task and Finish Group
Community Safety Board
Community Services Committee
Community Transport Review
Constitution Working Group
Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Veterans' Charter Task and Finish Group
Corporate Parenting Committee
Delivery of Private and Housing Stock Task and Finish Group
Democratic Services Test
Development Control and Regulatory Committee
Dilkeswood Task Group
DSO Board
Education Review Board
Education Standards Commission
Employee Relations Committee
Environment and Physical Regeneration Scrutiny Panel
Environment and Regeneration Scrutiny Panel
Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Environmental Services Committee
Essex, Southend and Thurrock Joint Health Service Variations Committee
Essex, Southend and Thurrock Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Essex, Southend and Thurrock Partnership Forum
Fairness in Thurrock Review Panel
Freeport Sub-Committee
General Services Committee
Health and Wellbeing Board
Health and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Health Commission
Healthy Thurrock Forum
Heritage, Culture, Environment and Physical Regeneration Scrutiny Panel
Heritage, Culture, Tourism and Sports Development Scrutiny Panel
Hidden and Extreme Harms Prevention Committee
HOSC Working Group - Whole System Obesity
HOSC Working Group – Mental Health Services
Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Housing Overview and Scrutiny Task and Finish Group
Informal Meeting of Overview and Scrutiny Chairs and Vice-chairs
Interview Panel (Chief Executive)
Interview Panel (Corporate Director of Finance and Corporate Governance)
Interview Panel (Corporate Director)
Interview Panel (Director of Children, Education and Families)
Interview Panel (Head of Legal & Democratic Services)
Interview Panel (Head of Legal Services)
Interview Panel A (Chief Executive)
Interview Panel B (Corporate Director, Children, Education and Families)
Interview Panel C (Corporate Director, Community Well-being)
Investment Advisory Panel
Joint Appointments Committee
Joint Employees Consultative Forum
Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee - STP
Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Learning Services Committee
Legal Review Board (Appeals)
Legal Review Board (Housing Benefits)
Legal Review Board (Licensing)
Legal Review Board (Tenancies)
Licensing Act 2003 Committee
Licensing Act 2003 Sub-Committee
Licensing and Appeals Committee
Licensing and Appeals Sub-Committee
Licensing Committee
Licensing Sub-Committee
Litter Overview and Scrutiny Review Panel
Local Development Plan Task Force
Lower Thames Crossing Task Force
Member Development Panel
Meningitis Awareness Panel
Orsett Hospital Task & Finish Group
Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee
Partnership Performance Forum
PCSO (Police Community Support Officer) Match Funding Review Panel
People Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Performance and Improvement Commission
Performance and Improvement Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Performance and Improvement Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee
Personnel and Performance Review Board
Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Planning Transport Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Planning Board
Planning Committee
Planning, Transport, Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Policy and Resources Committee
Pre-Cabinet Briefing
Public Protection Committee
Public Protection Sub-Committee
Recess and Urgency Decisions Committee
Safety, Health and Environment Committee
School Organisation Committee
Sex and Relationship Education Review Panel
Sex Trafficking Task and Finish Panel
Side Waste Scrutiny Task Group
Social Justice and Inclusion Scrutiny Panel
Social Services and Health Scrutiny Panel
Standards and Audit Committee
Standards Committee
Standards Committee - Local Determination Panel A
Standards Committee - Local Determination Panel B
Standards Consideration Pre-hearing and Hearing Sub-Committee
Standards Consideration Sub-Committee
Standards Initial Assessment Sub-Committee
Standards Review Sub-Committee
Standards Sub-Committee
Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education
Strategic Partnership Board
Sub-Group to consider Health Related Service Variations and Developments
Supporting Pathways into Work for Young People Review Panel
Teachers Consultation Forum
Thameside Complex Review Panel
The Welfare Reform Task and Finish Panel
Veterans Charter Task and Finish Group
Vulnerable Adults and Health Scrutiny Panel
Waste Management Working Group
Waste Solutions Review
Non Pecuniary
Personal and Prejudicial
Abbas, Councillor Qaisar Abbas
Alike, Councillor Ngozi Alike
Allen, Councillor John Allen
Anderson, Councillor Alex Anderson
Arnold, Councillor Deborah Arnold
Arnold, Councillor Paul Arnold
Byrne, Councillor Gary Byrne
Byrne, Councillor Ross Byrne
Carter, Councillor Adam Carter
Cecil, Councillor John Cecil
Chukwu, Councillor Daniel Chukwu
Collins, Councillor Gary Collins
Coxshall, Councillor George Coxshall
Day, Councillor David Day
Duffin, Councillor Jack Duffin
Fish, Councillor Tony Fish
Fletcher, Councillor Michael Fletcher
Fox, Councillor John Fox
Gledhill, Councillor Rob Gledhill
Green, Councillor Aaron Green
Halden, Councillor James Halden
Hartstean, Councillor Vikki Hartstean
Heath, Councillor Lynda Heath
Holloway, Councillor Clifford Holloway
Holloway, Councillor Victoria Holloway
Hooper, Councillor Mark Hooper
Hurrell, Councillor Mark Hurrell
Jefferies, Councillor Andrew Jefferies
Johnson, Councillor Barry Johnson
Jones, Councillor Roy Jones
Kelly, Councillor Tom Kelly
Kent, Councillor Cathy Kent
Kent, Councillor John Kent
Kerin, Councillor Martin Kerin
Liddiard, Councillor Steve Liddiard
Little, Councillor Susan Little
Maney, Councillor Ben Maney
Maney, Councillor Jacqui Maney
Manwa, Councillor Cici Manwa
Massey, Councillor Fraser Massey
Morris-Cook, Councillor Valerie Morris-Cook
Muldowney, Councillor Sara Muldowney
Ononaji, Councillor Augustine Ononaji
Panjala, Councillor Srikanth Panjala
Pearce, Councillor Maureen Pearce
Piccolo, Councillor Terry Piccolo
Polley, Councillor Georgette Polley
Polston, Councillor Ryan Polston
Raper, Councillor Kairen Raper
Redsell, Councillor Joycelyn Redsell
Rigby, Councillor Elizabeth Rigby
Sammons, Councillor Sue Sammons
Shinnick, Councillor Sue Shinnick
Sisterson, Councillor Cathy Sisterson
Snell, Councillor Graham Snell
Speight, Councillor Neil Speight
Spillman, Councillor Luke Spillman
Thandi, Councillor James Thandi
Watson, Councillor Gary Watson
Watson, Councillor Lee Watson
Worrall, Councillor Lynn Worrall
Wednesday, 27th September, 2023 7.00 pm - Council
Declaration of Interests
Councillor Tony Fish
- Non Pecuniary - Councillor Fish declared a non-pecuniary interest in regard to Item 13, Question 5, as he was a director at CVS