Issue details

Adoption of Thurrock Local Cycling and Walking Infrastrcture Plan

This report seeks approval from Cabinet for the adoption of the Thurrock Local Cycling and Walking Infrastrcture Plan, more commonly referred to as LCWIP. The Thurrock LCWIP is a high level plan setting out prioritisation for future investment and planning in the delivery of walking and cycling infrastrcture across the borough to support the aims of central government in enabling more short distance trips to be made by walking, cycling and wheeling. Details of the work undertaken to produce this document along with its benefits, obstacles and limitations are given in this report to support its publication and adoption.

Local Authorities in England are strongly encouraged to develop and deliver a long-term infrastructure plan to improve the local walking, wheeling (including wheelchairs, mobility scooters and other wheeled devices) and cycling networks. Adopting an LCWIP will enable Thurrock Council to access future several government funding streams and maintain or improve the councils rating by Active Travel England of local authorities for Active Travel, which in turn, opens access to higher sums of grant funding. To not adopt the LCWIP risks the council being downgraded to a rating of Zero by Active Travel England.

An adopted LCWIP will also support the delivery of the council’s future Local Plan by forming part of its transport evidence base, and will align with the Council’s upcoming Transport Strategy and form part of the Local Transport Plan 4.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 05/12/2024

Decision due: 12 Feb 2025 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Place and the Environment

Lead director: Executive Director Place

Contact: Navtej Tung, Strategic Transport Manager Email:

Consultation process

Formal public engagement undertaken via Thurrock Have My Say Portal, and written to all Members as well as key stakeholders. The consultation portal was split into individual areas to help participants access areas of specific interest. Event was advertised at Big Lunch events.


Sustrans, Active Travel England, National Highways, Network Rail, SERP, Transport East, Essex County Council, Southend City Council, Havering Borough Council, C2C, Ensign, First Bus, Transport for London, NIBs, Vectare, Essex Police, Active Essex, All Members, all Thurrock Community Forums and all members or Thurrock Cycle Forum

Commissioners Input (Yes / No): No

Consult with relevant Scrutiny Committee (Yes / No): No

Agenda items


  • Adoption of Thurrock Local Cycling and Walking Infrastrcture Plan