These reports are for noting and for scrutinising performance, they are not decision making.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 13/03/2024
Lead officer: Dr Dave Smith
Notice of decision: 13/02/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
To consider and agree a draft implementation plan for delivery of the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Service Peer Review of the Planning Service
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 13/03/2024
Lead officer: Mark Bradbury
Notice of decision: 13/02/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
To agree entering into an agreement with the English Cities Fund to allow them to undertake due diligence and develop a detailed proposal to take forward the regeneration whilst in parallel working up alternative options in advance of a final decision on the preferred option at a future cabinet.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 13/03/2024
Lead officer: Mark Bradbury
Notice of decision: 13/02/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
Approval to proceed to Tender for a Preferred reseller of Software Licences 3+1 year term contract
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 13/03/2024
Lead officer: Jackie Hinchliffe
Notice of decision: 13/02/2024
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt
To approve procurement and subsequent contract award to a main contractor to demolish and subsequently redevelop 36 units at Teviot Avenue in Aveley.
To approve commencement of vacating Block nos 158 to 228 (evens only) including repurchase of leasehold properties and decant of residents in line with the with the Council’s allocations policy.
Service of an initial demolition notice under Section 138B and Schedule 5A of the Housing Act 1985 that will confirm the Council’s intention to demolish the building.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 13/03/2024
Lead officer: Ian Wake
Notice of decision: 13/02/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
To approve procurement and subsequent contract award to a main contractor and technical advisors to demolish and subsequently redevelop Bevan House, Keir Hardie House and Morrison House at Blackshots, Grays and adjoining land.
To approve the progress of the project on the basis of the financial business case.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 13/03/2024
Lead officer: Ian Wake
Notice of decision: 13/02/2024
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - view reasons
Description of the decisions to be considered:
1. Approval for the proposed parent contribution towards Post 16 Travel
2. Approval of the updated policy 2024/25
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 13/03/2024
Lead officer: Chief Executive, Sheila Murphy
Notice of decision: 13/02/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
Decision Maker: Council
Decision due date: 28/02/2024
Notice of decision: 16/02/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
Decision Maker: Council
Decision due date: 20/03/2024
Notice of decision: 12/02/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
Decision Maker: Council
Decision due date: 30/10/2024
Notice of decision: 08/02/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
Cabinet to discuss and consider the Greater Essex Devolution Deal and review the outcome of the consultation and engagement.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 13/03/2024
Lead officer: Alix MacFarlane
Notice of decision: 09/01/2024
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - view reasons
Decision Maker: Council
Decision due date: 20/03/2024
Notice of decision: 29/12/2023
Anticipated restriction: Open
Decision Maker: Council
Decision due date: 20/03/2024
Notice of decision: 29/12/2023
Anticipated restriction: Open
Decision Maker: Council
Decision due date: 22/05/2024
Notice of decision: 29/12/2023
Anticipated restriction: Open
This will consist of a series of reports covering many aspects of the Council’s finances and budgets.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 13/03/2024
Lead officer: Steven Mair
Notice of decision: 12/12/2023
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - view reasons
To approve the procurement of a Total Security Solution Contract and Delegate authority to the Corporate Director to award Total Security Solution contract in consultation with the Housing Portfolio Holder
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 13/03/2024
Lead officer: Ian Wake
Notice of decision: 12/12/2023
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt
The report will seek Cabinet approval to grant a Lease and enter into Implementation and Operating Agreements with Youth Charity Onside to deliver the Thurrock Youth Zone.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 13/03/2024
Lead officer: Mark Bradbury
Notice of decision: 12/12/2023
Anticipated restriction: Open
1. To approve a revised £3.85M or £4.75M budget (depending on preferred option) for the expansion of Tilbury Pioneer Academy to be funded from the School’s Basic Need capital funding 2023/24.
2. To approve the commencement of the procurement process in accordance with Council & EU procurement procedures to vary the appointment and scope of works to be undertaken by the Multi Discipline design team for the Tilbury Pioneer Expansion Project, and appoint the Principal Contractors to take forward the proposed desired scheme.
3. That authority be delegated to the Director of Children’s Services, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder, to enter into any form of agreement following the award of the agreements arising from 1.2 above in compliance with the Council’s procurement regulations.
4. Note the recent in-year accommodation works that have been commenced in order to ensure sufficient pupil places for 2023/2024 in-year applications.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 13/03/2024
Lead officer: Executive Director Children's Services
Notice of decision: 17/11/2023
Anticipated restriction: Open
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 13/03/2024
Lead officer: Asmat Hussain
Notice of decision: 17/11/2023
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - view reasons
To acknowledge the services and functions carried out by SELEP to be transferred to Thurrock Council and to agree proposals to meet the Council’s new obligations as Government transfers responsibilities from Local Enterprise Partnerships to upper tier authorities
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 13/03/2024
Lead officer: Mark Bradbury
Notice of decision: 10/10/2023
Anticipated restriction: Open - view reasons
To note the independent report of the Director of Public Health, and approve its publication.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 13/03/2024
Lead officer: Jo Broadbent (Director of Public Health)
Notice of decision: 10/10/2023
Anticipated restriction: Open
To approve the amendment to the Enforcement Policy so these penalties can be applied when appropriate.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 13/03/2024
Lead officer: Mark Bradbury
Notice of decision: 10/10/2023
Anticipated restriction: Open
That Cabinet note the improvements to address the recommendations for risk management included in the Best Value Inspection report.
That Cabinet agree the Council’s Risk and Opportunity Management Strategy, Policy and Framework.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 13/03/2024
Lead officer: Jonathan Wilson
Notice of decision: 10/10/2023
Anticipated restriction: Open
To approve the 2024/25 Integrated Transport Block (ITB) capital programme for implementation.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 13/03/2024
Lead officer: Julie Nelder (Director Highways, Fleet and Logistics)
Notice of decision: 16/05/2023
Anticipated restriction: Open
Decision Maker: Council
Decision due date: 20/03/2024
Notice of decision: 24/04/2023
Anticipated restriction: Open
Decision Maker: Council
Decision due date: 28/02/2024
Notice of decision: 24/04/2023
Anticipated restriction: Open