Acknowledge the progress NATIS has made in relation to the recommendations made by a commissioned review and note that a business case will follow in September 2024.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 10/07/2024
Lead officer: Daniel Fenwick
Notice of decision: 10/06/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
Decisions relating to the Council’s role as Accountable Body for the Thames Freeport.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 09/10/2024
Lead officer: Daniel Fenwick
Notice of decision: 10/06/2024
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - view reasons
Approval of the amended Parking Enforcement Policy (App.1) and the Codes of Practice (App.2), so that enforcement of relevant Moving Traffic Offences can take place in Thurrock.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 10/07/2024
Lead officer: Daniel Fenwick
Notice of decision: 02/05/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
To note the progress on Thurrock Council’s Improvement and Recovery Plan.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 12/03/2025
Lead officer: Chief Executive
Notice of decision: 02/05/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
To note the progress on Thurrock Council’s Improvement and Recovery Plan.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 11/12/2024
Lead officer: Chief Executive
Notice of decision: 02/05/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
To note the progress on Thurrock Council’s Improvement and Recovery Plan.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 09/10/2024
Lead officer: Dr Dave Smith
Notice of decision: 02/05/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
To note the financial position for Q3 2024/25.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 12/03/2025
Lead officer: Dawn Calvert
Notice of decision: 02/05/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
To note the financial position for Q2 2024/25.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 11/12/2024
Lead officer: Dawn Calvert
Notice of decision: 02/05/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
To note the financial position for Q1 2024/25.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 11/09/2024
Lead officer: Dawn Calvert
Notice of decision: 02/05/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
To agree the council’s Corporate Plan 2024-29 and to recommend that Full Council agrees to its adoption
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 10/07/2024
Lead officer: Chief Executive
Notice of decision: 02/05/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
Cabinet to note the end of year corporate performance report.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 10/07/2024
Lead officer: Dr Dave Smith
Notice of decision: 02/05/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
To note the Council’s financial outturn position for 2023/24.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 10/07/2024
Lead officer: Dawn Calvert
Notice of decision: 02/05/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
The Cabinet approve the procurement of the Contract for on-street residential Electric Vehicle Charging Points.
The Cabinet give delegated Authority for the award of the contract for Electric Charging Points to the Director of Public Realm, and Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Highways
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 10/07/2024
Lead officer: Claire Demmel
Notice of decision: 02/05/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
To approve the re-tender of the Dementia Connect service.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 10/07/2024
Lead officer: Ian Wake
Notice of decision: 02/05/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
Approval to proceed to Tender for a Preferred provider of Network Hardware (3+1 year term contract).
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 10/07/2024
Lead officer: Daniel Fenwick
Notice of decision: 02/05/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
To approve the tender of unpaid carers support, information, and advice service
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 10/07/2024
Lead officer: Ian Wake
Notice of decision: 02/05/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
Approval of award of contact to appoint a construction sector contractor to deliver a project to decarbonise 206 homes of the council social housing portfolio.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 10/07/2024
Lead officer: Claire Demmel
Notice of decision: 02/05/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
1.1 That Cabinet approve the commencement of the procurement of a Professional Services Contract for the delivery of Highways and Transportation schemes, for a three year period with an option to extend for a further two, commencing October 2024. which will be compliant with relevant EU Public Procurement Regulations, the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and the Councils Contract Procedure Rules.
1.2 That delegated authority be given to the Interim Director of Public Realm, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Highways to decide the appropriate procurement route for the delivery of the Transport & Highways works for the next three years, with an option to extend for a further two, commencing October 2024.
1.3 That delegated authority be given to the Interim Director of Public Realm, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Highways, to award any contracts necessary for the delivery of Transport & Highways works for a period of three years with an option to extend for a further two, commencing October 2024.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 10/07/2024
Lead officer: Claire Demmel
Notice of decision: 02/05/2024
Anticipated restriction: Open
For Cabinet to give approval to the marketing and disposal of a schedule of property assets.
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision due date: 10/07/2024
Lead officer: Claire Demmel
Notice of decision: 02/05/2024
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - view reasons