Agenda item

Thurrock Health and Wellbeing Strategy Annual Report 2017-2018

A PowerPoint presentation will be provided to members


Ian Wake Director of Public Health introduced this item, supported by Goal Sponsors.  Key points included:

·         The annual report is a stand-alone document that:

o   Explains the Health and Wellbeing Board’s function, membership and how it drives forward the development and implementation of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy;

o   Describes Thurrock’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy and reports year two key achievements; and

o   Sets out progress made against Key Performance Indicators, approved by the Health and Wellbeing Board in November 2018

·         All Early Years settings have achieved an Ofsted rating of good or outstanding.

·         76% of children achieved a good level of development at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage, exceeding the trajectory target of 73% and the national average of 71%.

·         62% of children are achieved the national standard in Reading, Writing and Maths at the end of Key Stage 2, exceeding the trajectory target of 57%, consistent with the national average of 61%.

·         2.1% of 16/17 year olds are not in employment, education or training, achieving the trajectory target of 5%. This data is based on 16/17 year olds and therefore considerably exceeds the trajectory target that was set for 16-19 year olds.

·         The under 18 conception rate in Thurrock continues to decline year on year and 2018 target for 2016 conceptions (23.2 per 1,000) was achieved.

·         In 2015, 17.4 % of children are living in poverty (0-19 years) - exceeding our target of 19.28%.  

·         There were 3 Parks and Play sites improvement projects to encourage greater use during 2017/18.

·         52 % of adults aged 19+ are physical active achieving our target of 52%.

·         The number of micro enterprises operating in Thurrock is 55, exceeding the trajectory target of 25.

·         61.6 % of parents achieving successful outcomes from early intervention prevention parenting programmes. 

·         At the of June 2018 there have been 1050 families attached to the Troubled Families Programme with the target of 2525 families supported by the TF programme when it ceases in March 2020.

·         71% of GP practices have a CQC rating of at least “good’’ exceeding the trajectory target of 40%.  Overall CQC Rating of good achieved for BTUH. 

·         The percentage of children in year 6 that are measured as being overweight or obese in year 6 at school was 36.9% for school year 2016/17. The target for 2017 was to achieve 37% and for 2018 to achieve 36.5%.


During discussions the following points were made


·         Members welcomed that Thurrock has the 2nd fastest falling rate of teenage pregnancy across the country.

·         The outcome framework appears to measure participation for children at sixth form.  It was agreed that an additional Key Performance Indicator would be developed to measure attainment post sixteen for those students completing sixth form.

Action Children’s Directorate

·         It was agreed that Planning Directorate should consider planning for schools give due consideration to open spaces which can be utilised by schools and local communities

·         Consideration should be provided to creating a Key Performance Indicator that is outcome focussed for Local Area Coordinators

·         Members noted the performance on identification and treatment of cancer and agreed that a further paper on cancer treatment will be considered at the HWB meeting in September.


RESOLVED:  HWB members agreed that the annual report can be published on the Council’s website following amendments to the outcome framework, which have been agreed.


Supporting documents: