Agenda item

Health of Looked After Children


The Designated Nurse for Looked after Children of Thurrock’s CCG presented the report which updated Members of the Committee on the national and local data regarding the health status of Thurrock’s Looked after Children. It was further explained that the report focused on new initiatives and developments to improve health outcomes for Thurrock’s Looked after Children.  


She continued to comment on the demographic of Looked after Children placed outside of the Borough, which could at times impact on the health needs of Children as it meant relying on other Local Authorities to complete health assessments and this made it difficult to meet statutory deadlines. It was confirmed that the process was monitored on a regular basis by not only the Local Authority but also the provider organisation and the CCG.


Members were notified of the improvement work undertaken around the strength and difficulties questionnaire. The Designated Nurse for Looked after Children of Thurrock’s CCG explained there was a Looked After Children Steering Group, which met monthly, to discuss those children who had a high strength and difficulties questionnaire score. The Looked After Children Steering Group met to ensure there was a clear plan of care for those children and to monitor them closely.  


The Committee heard that GP involvement had been highlighted by the CQC, following which there was now a form for GPs to complete before a health assessment. It was explained that GPs held a lot of information and so they were now being incorporated into the assessments.


Councillor Kerin thanked officers for the report and the work they were doing. He commented that it appeared the work was harder to complete with children who were placed outside of the Borough. He queried how much of an impact it had on the workload of officers compared to Children living in Thurrock.  It was agreed that it made it more difficult; however there were robust notification systems in place, with a weekly Looked After Children list from the Local Authority. As soon as a child was moved to outside of the borough, the team would contact the Looked After Children team at the Authority where they are based. Along with a health assessment which was to be completed by the relevant team, communication across all parties was kept to a high level.


The Service Manager for Placements commented that there was a cohort of Children who were settled in their placements outside of Thurrock and to move them back in the borough was not an option. He further stated that the planning behind placements was important and that children should only be placed out of borough when it was truly necessary. 


Councillor Gamester asked if, in some cases children were placed hundreds of miles away from their local area, was it also the responsibility of that Local Authority as to their care. Officers confirmed the process was to share the details with the Looked After Children team in the area they were living, it would also be up to them to complete all of the health assessments although this would be funded by Thurrock.  She explained that if it were in the best interest of the child that a member of the health team from Thurrock was to go out to complete a visit then this would be done. It was confirmed that officers from Thurrock had complete oversight of all their children, regardless of where they were placed; this included quality checking assessments. 


Councillor Watkins sought confirmation of GP contributions to the health assessments process. He asked how often they were routinely requested to supply information prior to a child being seen for their health assessment.  The Designated Nurse for Looked after Children of Thurrock’s CCG explained they would be asked to complete the form ahead of each assessment and the information provided by GP would inform the person undertaking the assessment of, recent GP attendances, medication and or if any, concerns.


The Chair of the One Team, Foster Carer Association enquired as to why, for the yearly health assessment, GPs were requested to complete a form prior to the assessment instead of speaking to the Foster carers as they should know all about the children who are in their care. It was advised that not all children were in foster placements and it was felt it was important to receive such information from the GPs. It was explained that it was a recommendation of the CQC to include GPs, as the primary record holder into the health assessment process.




The Members of the Corporate Parenting Committee note this report.

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