Agenda item

Discussion with Youth Cabinet


The Review Panel began discussions by enquiring as to whether it was felt that work experience or placements being offered were relevant for what young people wanted to do.


A representative of the Youth Cabinet started by informing  the panel that she had not been offered to complete work experience as yet and she had recently finish year 10. She stated that having GCSEs even if they were all A* were not necessarily going to assist young people when looking for employment as they were asked what if any, experience they had. 


It was discussed that young people completing work experience were given the opportunity not only to put their skills they had learnt at school into practice but also to learn life skills such as professionalism, time keeping skills and working with adults; by learning these skills would assist with boosting confidence within young people.


The Learning & Skills Manager informed the panel that Thurrock Council worked hard with different employers and as an employer to get the most out of work experience for young people.


Councillor Halden suggested that it may be an idea to include the types of work experience schools offered as part of their admission criteria. This would give parents the option to take work experience into account when looking at secondary school places.


Representatives of the Youth Cabinet highlighted to those present that work experience also taught young people independence; as they didn’t have their peers with them. It was explained that at school it was easy seek advice from friends and to ask them for the answers, were as during a work placement you would have to use your own incisive when working on a project.


Councillor Liddiard enquired as to whether young people were inspired to work in the city, as London was only a half an hour train journey away from the borough. He continued by stating that the type of work experience on offer would be different from what was offered locally.  Representatives of the Youth Cabinet notified Members that within schools young people were being asked why they would want to work away from Thurrock when there was so much going on to promote the borough.


The panel were advised that it would be helpful for students to be informed of other areas around the borough for example Southend-On-Sea; as this could them to make an informed decision and assist when making the decision of where to complete any work placements.


The Chair of the review panel, sought as to whether it would be possible to include awards for those who completed work placements to an exceptional standard with the Educational Award or if Thurrock Council could hold awards for young people as well as local businesses should they secure apprenticeships or work from completing their work placement.


During discussions it was debated as to if schools set students a project at the beginning of year 10 to find their own work experience with steps to follow; whether it would encourage young people to take responsibly for their work placements.  The Learning & Skills Manager contributed to the discussion by informing those present that some schools already encourage their young people to seek their own work placements; this was usually through parents or family friends.


The Youth Cabinet Representatives indicted that setting a project for students to find their own work experience had the potential to work as students were used to working to deadlines for coursework.  It was further highlighted that it would be useful for young people if they had someone to talk to who could inspire them as they would have already completed work experience themselves.


The Review Panel were notified that the Learning & Skills, School Improvement team travelled all over the borough and London completing Health and Safety checks of all work experience placements and a lot of the schools were also involved in Thurrock next top boss.


Representatives of the Youth Cabinet agreed that however a package of work placements were organised, all schools should provide the same opportunities to young people; instead of their being a mix of school that do or do not carry out work placements.




That the suggestions following the Review Panels discussion be included within the report which is taken back to the Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee.