Officers presented the application. The proposal consists of the demolition of existing structures and construction of food store with associated vehicle access, car parking, landscaping, engineering, and drainage works. The applicant is Lidl.
Officers advised paragraph 6.1 of the report refers to Town and Country Planning (Consultation) (England) Direction 2024. This should refer to the 2021 legislation as this application was received prior to 26 January 2024. The application does not need to be referred under Paragraph 5 (retail trigger), as it does not exceed the required floorspace. Policy CSTP5 Neighbourhood Renewal should have been included in the policy list, at paragraph 5.3, as this cover’s priority regeneration areas, which includes Tilbury.
The Committee were advised that the recommendation within paragraph 8.1 of the report will have the requirement for a Section.106 Agreement to address a requirement for a Travel Plan monitoring fee of £3,600. This was not included in the report as it was thought this was going to be paid upfront, negating the need for a legal agreement.
· A speaker statement was heard on behalf of the applicant in favour of the application.
· A speaker statement was heard from a resident in favour of the application.
Members questioned how the potential risk of flooding on the site will be addressed. Officers advised the proposed design involves storage tanks underground via a network of pipes that drain to the outlet and into the nearby drains on the marshes. All the drainage requirements of the site have been calculated, which the Council in its capacity as Local Lead Flood Authority (LLFA) are content with. The Environment Agency has been involved at every step of the application.
Members also questioned whether there will be any electric charging points. Officers confirmed there will be a minimum of two currently with the opportunity to provide others in the future.
Members raised whether the applicant would consider allowing parents access to parking during the school run, as it would help with queues and increase safety. The committee were reassured this was a possibility and can be added as an informative.
Members considered that the factors towards very special circumstances clearly outweigh the harm to the Green Belt and any other harm.
Members were supportive of the scheme and voted unanimously in favour of the officer recommendation. With the addition of informatives for parking for the school run and more Electric Vehicle Charging points put in place (delegated to officers).
APPROVED: Subject to additional informatives, encouraging the developer to proactively consider additional electric vehicle charging and allowing parents access to the car park during the school run. Application to be referred to the Secretary of State as the proposal constitutes major development in the Green Belt. In addition, S106 Agreement to be completed to address Travel Plan monitoring fees.
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