Agenda item

Allocation of Committee Seats and Appointments


The Leader presented and moved the report that requested Council to confirm the calculations relating to the allocation of seats on committees and to appoint the nominations of political groups to committees. The report also

requested the Council to appoint the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of certain committees.


The Leader referred to page 37 of the agenda, paragraph E, that Overview and Scrutiny Committees would be a 10-member committee based on seat allocations and negotiations between groups. An agreement had been made that the three Overview and Scrutiny Committees would now consist of 11 members.


Councillor Speight stated he would be voting against the decision to increase the size of the overview and scrutiny committees.


The Mayor called for a separate vote to be undertaken in respect of each of the contested nominations. The results of each vote are set out below:


Planning Committee


Members were asked to vote on the contested seat on the Planning Committee. With 40 votes to Councillor P Arnold and 8 votes to Councillor Jones, Councillor P Arnold was nominated a member of the Planning Committee.


Councillor Anderson nominated himself on two of the unclaimed seats and would now be a member on the Licensing Committee and Audit Committee.


At 7.58pm, Cabinet Members left the chamber.


Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chair


With 34 votes to Councillor G Byrne and 14 votes to Councillor Kelly, Councillor G Byrne was nominated chair of the Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


People Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chair


With 35 votes to Councillor Speight and 13 votes to Councillor Johnson, Councillor Speight was nominated chair of the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chair


With 40 votes to Councillor B Maney and 8 votes to Councillor Jones, Councillor B Maney was nominated chair of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Councillor Jefferies removed all vice chair nominations for the three overview and scrutiny committees.


At 8.09pm, Cabinet Members returned to the chamber.


Licensing Committee Chair


Two votes were undertaken. The first vote - with 8 votes to Councillor Jones, 27 votes to Councillor Green and 13 votes to Councillor Abbas. Therefore Councillor Jones was removed from the second vote. The second vote – with 34 votes to Councillor Green and 14 votes to Councillor Abbas, Councillor Green was nominated chair of the Licensing Committee.


Licensing Committee Vice Chair


Two votes were undertaken. The first vote – with 8 votes to Councillor Jones, 13 votes to Councillor P Arnold and 27 votes to Councillor Fish. Therefore Councillor Jones was removed from the second vote. The second vote – with 13 votes to Councillor P Arnold and 35 votes to Councillor Fish, Councillor Fish was nominated vice chair of the Licensing Committee.  


Standards Committee Vice Chair


With 40 votes to Councillor Johnson and 8 votes to Councillor Allen, Councillor Johnson was nominated vice chair of the Standards Committee.


Audit Committee Vice Chair


With 27 votes to Councillor Panjala and 21 votes to Councillor Halden, Councillor Panjala was nominated vice chair of the Audit Committee.




1.    That the allocation of seats, as set out in Appendix 1, be approved.

2.    That the nominations of the political groups to seats on committees be approved, as set out in Appendix 2.

3.    That the non-voting co-opted members of the Planning Committee, the Standards Committee, the Audit Committee, the People Overview and Scrutiny Committee, the Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Corporate Parenting Committee be appointed, as set out in Appendix 2.

4.    That the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of committees be appointed, as set out in Appendix 3.




Vice Chair

Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Councillor B Maney

Councillor Fox

Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Councillor G Byrne


People Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Councillor Speight

Councillor Jones

Corporate Parenting Committee

Councillor Hurrell

Councillor Rigby

General Services Committee

Councillor J Kent

Councillor Jefferies

Licensing Committee

Councillor Green

Councillor Fish

Planning Committee

Councillor Fletcher

Councillor Liddiard

Audit Committee

Councillor Massey

Councillor Panjala

Standards Committee

Councillor C Kent

Councillor Johnson

Health and Wellbeing Board

Councillor Hooper

Councillor D Arnold



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