Agenda item

School Capital Programme Update 2022/23


The Strategic Lead for Education Support Services presented the report to the Committee. She confirmed that the report will be presented to Cabinet tomorrow for approval.


Councillor Anderson thanked the Strategic Lead for Education Support Services for the report. He commented that the detailed costing in the appendix was very useful and will allow members to scrutinise more effectively if issues arise.


Councillor Kerin commended officers on avoiding issues around shortage of school places. Councillor Kerin stated that he was happy with recommendation 1.1 but queried the other recommendations as Overview and Scrutiny cannot make decisions.


The Democratic Services Officer clarified that recommendations 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5 need to be read in the context of recommendation 1.1 “that the Children Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee consider and recommend the following decisions to Cabinet”.


Councillor Kerin responded that he was not happy with recommendation 1.4 given recent events and that decisions can be limited to just two individuals, the Director and Portfolio holder.


Councillor Johnson commented that they could change the recommendation to state that they will report back to Overview and Scrutiny Committee with any major changes.


The Chair agreed the recommendation could say that the matter will be returned to Overview and Scrutiny Committee to ensure accountability of the lead officer and Portfolio holder.


The Strategic Lead for Education Support Services also agreed to this.


An additional recommendation was proposed by the Chair that “the Committee notes that the matter will come back to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee throughout the process”. This was seconded by Councillor Anderson.


The Parent Governor Representative highlighted that extra schools bring extra traffic outside them and stressed that there is a need to protect children going to school. Barriers, bollards and cones are required and there are not enough traffic wardens.


The Strategic Lead for Education Support Services responded that when they expand a school a planning application is made and as with all planning applications the Highways team will look at it and will highlight any issues that may arise of this nature.




1.1      That the Children’s Services Overview & Scrutiny Committee consider and recommend the following decisions to Cabinet.


1.2      To approve the commencement of the procurement process in accordance with Council & UK procurement procedures to appoint 1. A Design and multi discipline project Team, for the Tilbury Pioneer aspect of the School Capital Programme and 2. Following planning approval and the production of a full technical specification, undertake a further procurement exercise to appoint a Principal Contractor to take forward the proposed Tilbury Pioneer scheme.


1.3      To approve the commencement of the procurement process in accordance with Council & UK procurement procedures to appoint Designers and Project Teams, for the School Capital Programme and appoint the Principal Contractors to take forward the proposed scheme.


1.4      That authority be delegated to the Director of Children’s Services, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder, to enter into any form of agreement following the award of the agreements arising from 1.2 above in compliance with the Council’s procurement regulations.


1.5      Note the recent in-year accommodation works that have been

commenced in order to ensure sufficient pupil places for 2022/2023 in-year applications.


1.6      The Committee notes that this matter will be brought back to Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee throughout the process.



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