Agenda item

Fees and Charges Pricing Strategy 2023/24 (Decision: 110640)


Councillor Snell introduced the report and explained that it provided a list of future fees and charges from 1 April 2023. He stated that fees and charges would raise approximately £7.641mn income for the Council, which was an increase of 4% on 2022/23. Councillor Snell confirmed that fees and charges were being reviewed and this would be presented to Cabinet in Quarter 1 2023/24.

Councillor Johnson questioned why Cabinet Members were not listed as receiving delegated authority for in-year fees and charges amendments. The Director of Law and Governance suggested that “in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder” was added to recommendation 2. This amendment was agreed by all Cabinet Members.

The Deputy Leader felt it was good to see a review of fees and charges would be occurring. She highlighted that some Adult Social Care fees and charges were means-tested so vulnerable residents could continue to access services. She highlighted the removed charge relating to meals on wheels, but confirmed that the service would continue for residents, but would be delivered in a different way. The Leader echoed these comments and felt it was good to see fees and charges would be reviewed. He highlighted the fees for weddings and registrars, and asked if the numbers of people getting married had increased. The Director of Strategy, Engagement and Growth replied that this figure had increased throughout 2022/23. The Deputy Leader thanked the registrars’ team for their hard work, and confirmed that she had got married in the new registrars’ office and had enjoyed her day.

The recommendations, including the amendment to recommendation 2, were proposed by the Leader, and seconded by Councillor Snell. All Cabinet Members agreed the recommendations as listed below.

RESOLVED: That Cabinet:

1. Agreed the proposed fees and charges, including those no longer applicable, as per Appendices 1 and 2.

2. Approved delegated authority to the following Directors, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holders, to vary Fees and Charges for the respective service area within the financial year 2023/24 in response to legal and regulatory requirements only:

i. Director of Strategy, Engagement and Growth (para 4)
ii. Director of Public Realm (para 4,5)
iii. Director of Place (para 4,5)
iv. Director of Adult Social Care and Community (para 6)
v. Director of Housing (para 7)
vi. Director of Children’s Services (para 8)

3. Considered the feedback and additional information from all Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings and additional meetings held in relation to fees and charges, as per Appendices 3, 4, and 5.

4. Noted the requirement for a detailed review of our Fees and Charges in Quarter 1 2023/24 alongside a revision of our strategy for raising income and fee charging policy.

Reason for decision: as outlined in the report
This decision is subject to call-in

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