The Chair agreed to bring forward the report
in the agenda.
Councillor Abbas introduced the report and stated that the Council
was currently facing difficult financial challenges, so the report
needed to be considered in this context. He added that his
Portfolio had also been extended and now included the Community
Safety Partnership. Councillor Abbas explained that his Portfolio
had faced many challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, but most
services had returned to normal in May 2022. He explained that the
museum had reopened, and their focus was to digitise their
collection by June 2023 and work closely with other local museums
to diversify their exhibitions. He stated that the Thameside
Theatre required ongoing works due to the life of the building, but
the Council had recently increased the seating capacity and
undertook maintenance to the vent system. Councillor Abbas
clarified that although the Council received grant funding from
different organisations for the Thameside Theatre, these were not
enough to cover running and maintenance costs.
Councillor Abbas moved on and explained that the Council also ran a
Community Led Local Development (CLLD) scheme, which helped to
support small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and start-ups in the
borough, whilst trying to decrease the level of unemployment. He
stated that 1000 SMEs had been contacted as part of the scheme, and
150 residents contacted regarding employment, with 70 of these
helped to return to work. He added that he had met with a variety
of community groups and voluntary groups during his Portfolio,
including those from diverse communities who were harder to reach.
He stated that the team had helped link these groups with Council
services during the interfaith marketplace which had taken place in
the Town Hall. He added that a new Hindu place of prayer had been
established within Thurrock, as well as a new Muslim burial site
and Gurkha burial site at West Thurrock Cemetery. Councillor Abbas
explained that the team had recently been running cost-of-living
events to assist residents and businesses with advice and support
during the cost-of-living crisis.
Councillor Abbas moved on and stated that the Purfleet Hub had
reopened in March 2022 and were now holding classes, had a
community fridge and pantry, and a school uniform bank. He thanked
officers and volunteers for their hard work at the Purfleet Hub. He
added that Grays Library had joined the
Library Consortium in April 2022, which allowed members of
Grays Library to access 7.3million
books, magazines, newspapers, and documents online. He added that
Grays Library had also been a deposit
for Lower Thames Crossing consultation documents and was now a
Barclays Bank hub. He added that in November 2022 libraries had
also introduced wi-fi printing and were supporting residents to
access mobile phone SIM cards. He added that in March 2023 the
public health team would be running a session to upskill the
libraries team to ensure better health outcomes for
Councillor Abbas explained that the registrar team had recently
moved to the Town Hall, and a simplified process for registering
had been implemented. He stated that this meant the team had
exceeded their income target and were providing residents with an
efficient service. He summarised and stated that he had recently
become the Portfolio Holder for the Community Safety Partnership,
whose main focusses for 2023 would be tackling violence against
women and girls, domestic abuse, and modern-day slavery and human
trafficking. He explained they would also be working to reduce hate
crime, anti-social behaviour, drug and drunk driving, gangs, and
offensive weapons. He stated that they had recently begun a safe
street scheme which would work through community engagement.
Councillor Carter thanked the Portfolio Holder for his report and
asked how many people were attending the Hindu place of prayer, and
if it remained popular. Councillor Abbas confirmed that services
remained ongoing every third Sunday of the month and the community
were grateful to have the space in Thurrock. Councillor Arnold
questioned if the Portfolio Holder was considering a strategy to
ensure larger productions were encouraged to come to Thurrock,
either at the Thameside or other locations. Councillor Abbas felt
that the Thameside was important for art and culture within the
borough, but could be impractical as it was laid out over two
floors and did not have a big enough stage for travelling
productions. He wanted to take the arts and culture offer to
different communities across Thurrock, rather than focus on one
Councillor Holloway explained that Harlow Council had recently
applied for, and were granted, a £20m grant for arts and
culture projects from the levelling up fund. She asked why Thurrock
Council had not applied for this bid. Councillor Abbas explained
that Thurrock had secured arts funding through the Arts Council,
which had been allocated to community groups such as Coda Dance
Club and Arts Outburst. Councillor Kent echoed Councillor
Holloway’s question and asked if the Portfolio Holder had
directed officers to apply for the bid. The Assistant Director of
Economic Growth and Partnerships explained that officers did
consider applying for the bid, but the decision was taken not to
bid because Thurrock was identified as a priority 2 place, behind
other priority 1 places who had been allocated capacity funding to
support their bids. He added that to bid would have required
significant investment from the Council upfront to put a bid
together, and increased capacity to deliver that the Council did
not currently have. Councillor Holloway felt that the Thameside
Theatre was important to develop arts and culture with children and
young people and asked if the Portfolio Holder would meet with them
to discuss the future of the theatre. Councillor Abbas stated that
he regularly visited the Thameside and would be happy to meet with
any groups or forums to discuss the theatre and consider their
Councillor Arnold highlighted improvements to the registry service
outlined on page 43 of the report and asked what further
improvements were planned. Councillor Abbas explained that the team
had worked to introduce new technology into the registry office,
meaning weddings could be video streamed to people who could not
attend in person, and a simplified website now made it easier for
people who needed to use the service.
Councillor Holloway asked for the list of groups that had met with
Councillor Abbas to be sent to the Committee. She also queried how
the Portfolio was planning to make the required £90,000 of
savings, and if the Committee could also see those proposals. She
sought assurances that the Portfolio Holder was not planning to
close any Thurrock libraries, and that funding given from Thurrock
Council to local women’s and domestic abuse survivors groups
would not be stopped. Councillor Abbas agreed to send the list of
groups he had met with to the Committee. He also confirmed that
there were no current plans to close the libraries, but if this was
proposed then it would need to go consultation and the relevant
scrutiny committee. He added that all services would need to be
transformed due to the current financial issues, but the Corporate
Overview and Scrutiny Committee would be kept updated and the
process would be transparent. He added that he was in touch with
the voluntary sector and spending panels to assess all funding. He
stated that he was committed to protecting women and girls that had
suffered from domestic abuse and violence, and they would be
provided with appropriate support.
Councillor Kent stated that the proposed Cultural Strategy and Plan
for Culture would be the third time in six years this had been
developed, the last one being in 2019 when consultants had been
brought in to assist. He asked if the Committee could see the
outcomes from the previous Cultural Strategies, and how the
Portfolio Holder would ensure this version was completed and
implemented. Councillor Abbas confirmed that the previous
strategies and consultations would be shared with the Committee.
Councillor Kent also questioned when Thurrock Museum would be
accredited with the Arts Council. Councillor Abbas replied that the
Council remained committed to accreditation and had made a bid to
the Arts Council. He explained that this bid had been withdrawn at
the suggestion of the Arts Council in 2021 due to the uncertainty
of the future of the Thameside Complex.
Councillor Kent added that the People and Place Bid had now been
granted, but required £10,000 per year funding from Thurrock
Council and free usage of the libraries and theatre. He asked if
this funding would continue given the Council’s financial
situation. The Assistant Director Economic Partnerships and Growth
confirmed that the current position of the Council was to continue
with this funding and free usage of the buildings. Councillor Kent
summarised and commented that although the Thameside Theatre was
small, it had the capability to hold professional productions. He
felt that arts and culture needed a base in Thurrock, and
productions would be unable or unwilling to travel and hold shows
in venues such as village halls and schools. He stated that
productions had previously been held in venues such as the Tilbury
Cruise Terminal and a marquee in Blackshots, but these had been
expensive to run. Councillor Thandi queried the Violence Against
Woman and Girls Strategy project in Grays. Councillor Abbas replied that the team had
organised pop up events and engaged with the community to raise
awareness of the issue.
The Chair sought assurance that any updates on the Thameside
Theatre would be brought back to the Committee, and Councillor
Abbas agreed.
Councillor Abbas left the meeting at 8.26pm.
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