The report presented by Councillor Huelin was the refreshed Thurrock Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-26. The report provided members with an overview of the development work of the strategy and briefed members on what the next steps would involve.
Councillor J Kent agreed this was an important report, a suite of categories which were linked to the local plan, it was important to look at inequalities and the lack of levelness in the borough. Referred to obesity and questioned what this strategy could do to reduce child obesity and to help people live longer, be more active and have healthier lives. Councillor J Kent stated he liked the goals relating to the domains but had concerns the language used in the report was impenetrable and not easy for residents to understand. Stated that air quality deserved the merit to be mentioned much more in the strategy as this was such an important issue in Thurrock. Councillor J Kent raised the concern to the lack of ease of seeing a GP and NHS Dentist and these concerns should be made plainly clear in the strategy. Councillor J Kent concluded that it was good to use that it had been acknowledged there were residents in the borough who suffered from digital exclusion and asked that in 2026 when the next strategy was presented, we get the results from the 2022-26 strategy so that comparisons could be made.
Councillor Redsell thanked HealthWatch for all good work done for residents in the borough and agreed some residents were being left out of communications. It was also important with new housing developments coming into the borough the need for more open and green spaces for residents as this in turn would help with health and wellbeing.
Councillor Ralph stated the strategy was dynamic and forward thinking and thanked all officers and everyone who had input into this brilliant strategy.
Councillor Pothecary echoed Councillor J Kent comment on air quality and stated it was fundamental to this borough and to the health and wellbeing of residents. The Council should now take responsibility and leadership on air quality and stated this topic should have been included more within the strategy.
Councillor Kerin referred to domain 5, green spaces, and questioned how the strategy would help to protect the green spaces the borough already had.
Councillor Johnson thanked Councillor Huelin for such as important dynamic report and for including part of the Children’s Safeguarding Strategy namely “Think Family” within this strategy.
Councillor Jefferies referred to air quality and referred to items that had already been undertaken that should be celebrated, encouraged and promoted. The first being an active campaign to encourage people to leave their cars behind particularly when taking children to school, the Idling Policy to encourage people to switch their engine off if they pull up to a school or shop and the Tree Planting Policy.
Councillor Gledhill agreed that inequalities and the lack of levelness in the borough had to be addressed and to ensure whose who were digitally excluded had access to documents. Referred to the lack of GP and dental appointments and was pleased to see the 12 new fellowship GPs starting at Corringham IMC which would offer more appointments and services into the communities. The report covered self-responsibility, and all should play their part to help themselves or neighbours which would make Thurrock a better place. When it came to green spaces, had to make sure those green spaces were of a good quality and accessible to more residents.
Councillor Huelin summed up by stating that changes had been made to the terms of reference on the Health and Wellbeing Board to ensure actions were brought forward and to ensure things were undertaken to meet the actions required to get the level playing field. The following year would see reports of results and an action log would form part of the agenda. In regard to lack of GPs in the borough, Councillor Huelin stated that 12 fellowship, fully qualified, GPs would be going into the Corringham IMC offering 500 extra appointments a week to all of Thurrock residents. Councillor Huelin referred to digital access and how paper copies were available, residents could telephone and request copies. There would also be easy read versions available. Referring to air quality and stated the strategy was an umbrella document and under that umbrella arch were all the strategies to get all the work done. That since the start of air quality was being monitored in the borough there had not been one single incident of air pollution being higher than acceptable levels. This monitoring was recorded in an air quality report and measurements were reported back to Government. The Council takes responsibility for what it can be responsibility for such as providing cycling routes, encouraging public transport and the Idling Policy but it was not responsibility for weather patterns, wind directions nor car users. Councillor Huelin stated residents had to take some responsibility for pollution and air quality within the borough by looking at cars that were being driven, recycling and tree planting.
Council noted the refreshed Thurrock Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-26 at Appendix 1 and considering the Domains for action and Goals.
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