Councillor Maney introduced the
report and stated that it sought endorsement for a suite of
documents which, if approved, would shape the Council’s
policy and approach in respect of vehicle parking in the borough.
He stated that it was important that the Council implemented an
updated Parking Policy and Strategy document, along with a set of
Parking Standards, in order to meet current national objectives and
keep pace with changing transport trends and vehicle ownership. He
stated that the two documents contained within the report would
assist the Council in ensuring the right level of parking provision
across the borough and make sure it was of appropriate design and
standard. Councillor Maney explained that the documents would also
guide the parking requirements for future developments, both
residential and commercial, and would form part of the Local Plan.
He stated that the third document presented in the report outlined
the Parking Enforcement Strategy, which would allow the Council to
be clear and responsive to parking issues across Thurrock.
Councillor Maney stated that all three documents had been subject
to public consultation and had broadly attracted support. He stated
that residents had voiced a greater desire to see verge and
pavement parking enforced more widely, and mentioned that officers
were currently in the process of designing a number of pilot
schemes which would prohibit anti-social parking in selected areas.
He summarised and stated that the report and accompanying documents
had been considered by the Planning, Transport and Regeneration
Overview and Scrutiny Committee twice, and a number of their
recommendations had been included in the report. He thanked the
Committee and the Chair for their hard work scrutinising the
report, which would ensure the strategies and principles it
contained worked for residents and businesses.
The Leader thanked officers and the Portfolio Holder for their hard
work on the report and felt it good to see that HGV no parking
areas were being proposed. He felt that this issue could cause
problems for residents as HGVs could park in residential areas for
numerous days, and hoped the pilot scheme preventing this issue was
successful. The Leader highlighted page 101 of the agenda, and felt
that as the level of car ownership increased across the borough,
the level of parking provision in new homes and flats should also
increase. He commented that parking provision should be realistic
and managed through the documents in the report. He also felt that
the number of cars per household allowed to park in controlled
parking zones should be increased from three to four or five, as
the majority of households across the country often had more than
three cars. He also wished to see passive provision for electric
vehicle (EV) charging in new homes built across Thurrock. He felt
that the wording for this proposal be changed from
‘could’ to ‘should’ as this would ensure
that new homes would be future-proof and would help to increase the
number of EV’s in Thurrock. He highlighted page 126 of the
agenda and felt it was good to see the documents also increased the
number of on-street EV charging stations in town centres and
residential areas, and felt pleased to see the Council were
partnering with Connect Kerb on this scheme.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet:
1. Approved the Parking Policy and Strategy document for adoption
by Thurrock Council.
2. Approved the Parking Design & Development Standards document
adoption by Thurrock Council.
3. Approved the Parking Enforcement Strategy document for adoption
by Thurrock Council.
Reason for decision: as outlined in the
This decision is subject to call-in
Supporting documents: