Councillor Maney introduced the
report and stated that Cabinet had adopted the Naming and Numbering
of Streets and Highways Assets Policy in July 2021, which enabled
the Council to receive requests for the naming of roads, including
after living or deceased people, which Cabinet would then
determine. He explained that at November’s Full Council,
Councillor Van Day had submitted a petition with over 230
signatures, calling for the B1335, Aveley Bypass, to be renamed in
honour of the late Lance Corporal Nicky Mason. Councillor Maney
stated that Lance Corporal Mason had been serving in Afghanistan
with the 2nd battalion Parachute Regiment when he was
killed by an explosion in September 2008 at the age of 26. He
stated that as a lifelong Aveley resident he knew of Lance Corporal
Mason, albeit not closely, and felt that his loss had greatly
impacted the tightknit Aveley community, and impacted even more so
his family including his father Dennis and brother Lee. He added
that both Dennis and Lee had done so much to support ex-service
members and to keep Lance Corporal Mason’s memory alive, and
both fully supported the call to rename the Aveley Bypass as
Councillor Maney felt that the public outpouring of support for
Councillor Van Day’s petition was evidence that time had not
erased the sense of loss felt by the community, and the petition
had continued to attract more submissions even after its
presentation to Full Council last year. He explained that even
though there had been overwhelming public support for the proposal,
one objection had been received from one of the local community
forums. He felt that the objection was not a view shared by the
wider community and was not supported by any of the three Aveley
Ward Councillors, who had been directly elected to represent their
residents. He mentioned that the longer established Aveley forum,
chaired by Rev. Alan Field, had previously approached the Council
with a desire to rename a road or area after Lance Corporal Mason.
Councillor Maney felt that the hundreds of names added to the
petition outweighed the sole objection received. He asked Cabinet
to evaluate the objection and urged Cabinet members to respectfully
Councillor Maney explained that the Aveley bypass was the main
route through Aveley and would have been well known to Lance
Corporal Mason, who would have had to cross the road many times
enroute to his local secondary school. He stated that Lance
Corporal Mason had served directly in the fight against Islamic
extremism and had made the ultimate sacrifice whilst doing so. He
felt that those who fought terrorists overseas did so in order that
people back at home, including Aveley residents, could live beyond
the reach of extremists. Councillor Maney felt that it would be a
fitting memorial to Lance Corporal Mason if the Aveley bypass were
to be renamed and bear his name, and would also be a comfort to
Lance Corporal Mason’s family to see him commemorated in this
way. He summarised and asked Cabinet Members to consider the
proposal, and if minded to agree, decide upon a new name for the
Councillor Van Day asked his question as follows: “will
the Portfolio Holder agree to take into consideration Lance
Corporal Nicky Mason’s father’s wish for how the old
Aveley bypass be renamed?” Councillor Maney replied that
the wishes of Lance Corporal Mason’s family would be at the
heart of the decision taken by Cabinet, all of whom would work with
the family.
Lance Corporal Mason’s brother, Mr. Lee Mason, was invited to
speak by the Leader and felt that the most fitting name for the
road would be Lance Corporal Nicky Mason Way.
Councillor Huelin recognised that the forum who were objecting to
the proposal formed only part of the Aveley community, and both
forums from Aveley had been involved in discussions regarding the
proposal. She welcomed the petition that had been submitted to Full
Council by Councillor Van Day, which she felt included voices from
across the community. Councillor Coxshall queried why there were
two forums in Aveley. He also apologised to the Mason family for
the delay in getting to this stage, and asked the Portfolio Holder
as to why there had been a delay. Councillor Huelin explained that
although there were currently two forums in Aveley, officers would
restart their work with these forums after purdah to see if they
could be united. Councillor Maney replied that there had been a
delay as the Council’s previous position did not support the
naming of roads after people living or deceased. He confirmed that
he had not personally agreed with this policy and therefore the new
policy had been agreed by Cabinet last year. He felt that the new
policy recognised deserving people, and thanked Councillor Van Day,
the Mason family, and the Aveley community for their hard work on
this proposal. The Leader agreed that the new policy recognised
deserving people.
Cabinet agreed that the B1335, Aveley Bypass, should be renamed to
‘Lance Corporal Nicky Mason Way’.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet:
1. Agreed to rename the Aveley Bypass as Lance Corporal Nicky Mason
Councillor Van Day left the meeting at
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