Councillor Jefferies had the privilege of presenting his first portfolio report for environment and sports and leisure and thanked his predecessor, former Councillor Watkins for the work he had undertaken and the services offered to Thurrock residents. Through the Clean It, Cut It, Fill It policy had transformed the borough which continued to score well with Keep Britain Tidy and more importantly was complimented by residents. In particular, street cleaning, the frequency of grass cutting. Councillor Jefferies stated one of the best sights, following the pandemic, had been seeing young children running and playing around in Thurrock’s open spaces and parks. This would not have been possible without Thurrock’s workforce who throughout the pandemic had maintained those spaces and thanked all those who had worked in the department for all their hard work during that difficult time. When taking up this portfolio holder position, Councillor Jefferies had been determined to see more trees planted and florals around the borough and has brought forward the land maintenance strategy which would see the Council’s open spaces more efficiently managed and would help to improve the environment, air quality and bio-diversity in the borough. By doing this using the services more effectively and also making financial savings. Councillor Jefferies referred to two motions raised and approved for the planting of more trees in the borough and Councillor Jefferies reassured members where possible this process would be speeded up. Referred to possession of new bin lorries which would improve the services provided to residents and the service had suffered due to an unnecessary strike last year and now looked forward to an uninterrupted service for the residents of the borough. With the introduction of the food waste service and vehicles would see an increase in recycling rates. Finally, Councillor Jefferies gave thanks to the Towns Fund for their investment into the borough and the Government money was most welcome to make improvements in the borough’s parks and open spaces.
Councillor Pothecary asked when the KPI for recycling would be re-introduced to which Councillor Jefferies stated this had been suspended due to COVID as the about of rubbish being generated was like Christmas every day and had effected the figures. Councillor Pothecary was reassured the KPI would be reinstated soon and she would be the first to know when it had been.
Councillor Pothecary stated cleaning the streets was key to the borough and requested in the next round of job cuts the front line staff would not be first in line again to which Councillor Jefferies stated it had been necessary to make savings and all resources would be looked into ways of working, using machinery, looking at all possible options to make savings but not to have reductions in services as these must be maintained and stay in place.
Councillor Pothecary referred to brown bin collections and the welcomed u-turn on not charging for brown bin collections and questioned as part of that decision there was a £900k savings posted against this into the budget and questioned whether this was being met or deferred. Councillor Jefferies stated he had never been in favour of charging for brown bins and was opposed to those charges. That savings were being made but those savings had not fractured into finding any alternative.
Councillor Byrne referred to Balstonia Park in Stanford Le Hope and questioned when would the delayed work on the park be completed and questioned whether officers actually cared about Thurrock parks. Councillor Jefferies stated officers did care, they were a fantastic team. Councillor Jefferies apologised but stated errors had been made and had been let down by contractors and every effort would be made to get the park open for the school holidays.
Councillor Massey referred to Buckingham Hill Road and how the state of the road was dangerous to those using it and questioned were the plans for the concreting of the HWRC site still going ahead and if so when. Councillor Jefferies agreed to get back to Councillor Massey outside the meeting.
Councillor Duffin touched on the success of recycling in flats and questioned whether this was being rolled out in other places to which Councillor Jefferies stated yes this would rolled out into others and had already demonstrated recycling rates in flats was already up.
Councillor Ralph questioned whether the introduction of a Thurrock Spring Watch had been considered to reassure the different specifies of nature in Thurrock to which Councillor Jefferies stated this was a good idea, as part of the land maintenance strategy was to be environmental friendly and agreed to speak with Councillor Ralph further on this.
Councillor Worrall referred to Impulse Leisure and they were doing some fantastic work, with some success work with Impulse Leisure, trustees and the Council but stated she was the only woman on that trustee’s board. Councillor Worrall questioned whether another woman from the conservative party could be appointed as part of the appointments made to outside bodies at annual council. Councillor Jefferies agreed Impulse Leisure had stepped up and was working well with the Council and agreed to look into the appointment of another woman on the trustee.
Councillor Maney referred to the Tree Strategy which was due to be presented to the Cleaner Greener Safer Overview and Scrutiny Committee next week and requested ward Members be informed when trees were due to be taken down and questioned why those trees had been taken down had not been replaced. Councillor Maney asked Councillor Jefferies to familiar himself with the two motions submitted by Councillor Redsell and Councillor Rigby, to ensure they were on track to be delivered. Councillor Jefferies agreed trees were not being planted for those that had been lost and resources by officers would be doubled up to replace these as soon as possible.
Councillor Jefferies summed up by stating his thanks to the Administration for making the borough brighter, tidier and cleaner.
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