Daren Spring stated the report had set out the charges in relation to services within the remit of this Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Charges would take effect from the 1 April 2022 unless otherwise stated. In preparing the proposed fees and charges, Directorates had worked within the charging framework and commercial principles set out in section three of the report and had taken into account the effect that Covid-19 had and would continue to have on services, residents and the local economy. Further director-delegated authority would be sought via Cabinet to allow Fees and Charges to be varied within financial year in response to commercial requirements. Members were referred to the full list of proposed charges detailed in Appendix 1, and the proposed deletion of any current fees and charges were detailed in Appendix 2.
Councillor Redsell thanked Daren Spring and spoke about the ticketing system at Thameside Theatre and how the box office should be open for those with no access to the on-line booking system. Daren Spring stated the box office was open Tuesday to Friday, 2.00 to 3.00pm and on Saturday from 10.00am to 3.00pm.
Councillor Redsell questioned whether there were any plans for Thurrock to have its own crematorium to which Daren Spring stated a feasibility study had been undertaken to look at a potential area.
Councillor Redsell referred to an area of flats where there were currently 42 bins used by residents and questioned whether bigger bins could be strategically placed to replace these. Daren Spring stated this would be dependent on the location of the bin storage and how secure this was but would be happy to speak with Councillor Redsell outside the meeting.
Councillor Liddiard referred to fly-tipping and questioned whether to help the Council recover monies that discounts on bulky collections could be reduced for those residents on benefits to which Daren Spring stated bulky items could be disposed of, for free, at the Housing Waste and Recycling Centre and in comparison with other authorities, Thurrock’s bulky collection rates were very competitive.
Councillor Rigby questioned whether any new allotments would be available into the borough to which Daren Spring stated there were no plans for any new ones at present as it was hard to find the right location. There were a lot of allotments in the borough which were self-managed.
Members discussed football pitches in the borough and how some were being blocked-booked by non-Thurrock residents and all members agreed that Thurrock residents should have priority over non-Thurrock bookings. Councillor Thandi questioned whether there were any 3g pitches in the borough to which Daren Spring stated there were none but this would be looked into.
Councillor Liddiard questioned whether the portfolio holder would consider reducing fees and charges for sporting activities for those users who were unable to pay the full amount.
Councillor Thandi asked whether the number of fly-tipping reports had gone up or down this year to which Daren Spring stated he did not have those figures to hand but could provide to members if required.
1. That Cleaner, Greener and Safer Overview and Scrutiny Committee noted the revised fees, including those no longer applicable; and comment on the proposals currently being considered within the remit of this committee.
2. That Cleaner, Greener and Safer Overview and Scrutiny Committee noted that director delegated authority will be sought via Cabinet to allow fees and charges to be varied within a financial year in response to commercial requirements.
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