The Senior Consultant introduced the report
and stated that it summarised a government white paper, which was a
tool for discussing future potential legislation, and was released
on 14 December 2020. He explained that it outlined the Prime
Minister’s plan for a green COVID-19 recovery, and was split
into four parts: transforming energy supply; reforming energy
supply; fairer deals for energy consumers; and a green pandemic
recovery. He explained that the government wished to decrease
carbon emissions by 230million tonnes, as well as increasing the
number of green jobs available by 220,000. The Senior Consultant
highlighted page two of the report which outlined what support
would be available for the roll out of electric vehicle charging,
including a £2.8billion government funding package, which
could be used on the LTC. He stated that this was the only proposal
which might directly affected the LTC, but other proposals could
affect the development of Thurrock’s Local Plan. He gave the
examples of all new homes built not using gas power by 2025; new
homes having zero carbon emissions; and increasing the clean energy
supply across the country.
The Chair highlighted that this White Paper did not directly affect
the LTC, but questioned if new homes could be connected to hydrogen
gas and if the LTC could affect future hydrogen grid connections.
The Senior Consultant replied that the government was mainly
focusing on nuclear and off-shore wind for the majority of its
future clean energy supply, but hydrogen power was emission free
and the government did want to develop approximately 5 gigawatts of
hydrogen power by 2030. He stated that this was more likely to be
used for housing infrastructure than for cars.
Councillor Spillman felt it was good to see the pace of change
regarding environmental concerns, including the proposed removal of
all gas boilers. The TCAG Representative questioned if the
consultation which had been undertaken regarding the power plant in
East Tilbury would have a conflict with the LTC. She added that
electric vehicles still emitted PM2.5 from brakes and tyres, which
she felt was dangerous for local residents as it could enter
people’s bloodstreams. She added that the electricity needed
to power electric vehicles was still largely produced from fossil
fuels and asked the Task Force to advocate for the government
adoption of WHO guidelines regarding PM2.5. Councillor Allen echoed
the TCAG Representatives comments regarding PM2.5 and electric
vehicles, as he agreed that they still had a carbon footprint. He
felt that the government should focus on hydrogen energy, which had
no emissions. The TCAG Representative added that she felt concerned
regarding the Environmental Statement, which HE would submit and
the air quality data which could be contained within the report.
She highlighted the work of the Transport Action Network, who were
currently undertaking a legal challenge regarding RIS2 and the
National Policy Statement for National Networks (NPSNN), so that it
was reviewed and updated. Councillor Muldowney questioned if the
Transport Action Network could present to the Task Force. The Chair
replied that March’s meeting would be busy, but would
consider it for later in the year.
Supporting documents: