Agenda item

After Care Report


The Strategic Lead for Children Looked After presented the report to Members which provided them with an update regarding the service provision for Thurrock after-care young adults who had previously been in the local authorities care. She continued to advise Members the after-care service were transferred to Children Social Care in July 2019.

It was explained that following the OFSTED inspection of Children's Services in November 2020 which graded the children services as good, OFSTED noted there was a need to ensure better partnership with Adult Social Care colleagues to support the transition arrangements for care leavers and particularly for those young people with additional needs.

Members heard that as Corporate Parents the Council were aspirational for their children and young people in care supporting them to achieve in all areas of their life and insuring a smooth transition into adulthood. The Council was committed to listening to children and young people and involving them in decision-making and service development.

The Strategic Lead the Children Looked After explained that unaccompanied asylum seeking children had not received high numbers as it seemed the preferred route was through the port at Dover, however this could change due to the winter weather in future months. It was mentioned the Council were reviewing the needs of young people using the after-care service to ensure they had the opportunities necessary for ongoing education training and employment.


The data received for November 2020 showed the total number of care leavers up to the age of 25 not in employment education or training was 49.8% with no significant change being seen in the last three months. Members heard that Thurrock offered access to the Princes Trust program which enabled young people to build their confidence and access to opportunities such as apprenticeships so they could engage within local communities.


Officers continued to advised Members of the after-care newsletter which updated young people on such topics as online courses, and gave them the links to be able to signup for such events. In addition the newsletter updated young people on new interesting things happening such as a new WhatsApp group exclusively for care leavers and monthly meetings which were currently being held on Zoom. The newsletter also informed young people on the Inspire Youth Hub and gave details on how to contact colleagues. In addition there were weekly sessions covering topics such as interview skills, writing CVs and applying for college and university places.

Officers explained they were trying to create more opportunities for care leavers to be able to support them transitioning into independent young adults.

The Chair of the Committee commented the difficulty of offering such support such as face-to-face meetings during COVID-19 and queried if care leavers were attending training due to having no employment would they in addition have to find employment to seek support.

The Strategic Lead for Children Looked After explained that Care Leavers post 18 did not have to find employment in addition to training, she further commented, Officers had a good relationship with young people and were offering a range of opportunities to support employment, training or additional education if required.




This report provides Members of the Committee with an overview of the services provided to our young adults.  Members are asked to note the contents of the report and the service provision to young adults in the Thurrock Aftercare Service.


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