Agenda item

Sustainable Travel and Movement in Thurrock Transport Strategy Refresh Update


The Interim Assistant Director for Planning, Transport and Public Protection introduced report and, in doing so informed Members that at the last meeting Officers had advised of the approach to the Local Plan and in order to ensure that the required infrastructure was provided, it was necessary to update the Council’s existing Transport Strategyto identify current and future needs and opportunities for intervention to support sustainable growth. 


The Transportation Services Strategic Lead addressed Members explaining that Thurrock had one of the most significant growth-led regeneration agendas in the country.  He continued to highlight it was vital to ensure future growth was supported by the right transport infrastructure, providing sustainable travel options for local communities and businesses whilst reducing congestion and improving air quality.


Members heard how there were a number of steps in the process of preparing the updated Transport Strategy, including technical baseline assessments, strategic transport visioning and engagement with statutory consultees, partner agencies, businesses and community groups.  There would also be a suite of supporting strategies and plans that accompanied the Transport Strategy, including Active Travel, Parking, Freight, Air Quality and Health.


It was outlined that the Transport Strategy should be developed in parallel with the Local Plan and in doing so should properly assess all the likely transport interventions required to deliver sustainable growth in the Borough and define and establish details of specific transport infrastructure.

The Chair of the Committee thanked Officers for their report and continued by querying the impact of the London Resort Development which would use the riverfront at Tilbury and whether there would be the use of a carpark. Officers explained it was important that new developments fed into the model of the new strategy and this would include any impact and mitigation which could take place.


Councillor Van Day enquired as to whether there had been any improvement to the roads around Aveley given that Heavy Goods Vehicles used the roads on a daily basis. Officers commented that Heavy Goods Vehicles in Aveley had been a long-standing issue, he advised that Aveley would be included on a list within the transport strategy to help identify and fund future projects. Councillor Van-Day also asked if the Thurrock Transport Strategy would consider a new Rail Station in Aveley. Officers suggested that this would be difficult to deliver as Network Rail had not identified this location and improved access to existing stations should be the focus.

It was discussed if there were any patterns of impact from Covid 19 on transport services and what these were. The Transportation Services Strategic Lead explained that modelling work was a requirement and Officers were seeking the same question and waiting to understand if an algorithm or calculation could be applied to the Covid19 impacts. He continued to explain that the transport network was not as busy as normal due to people working from home therefore the potential of people travelling which would impact the network was reducing.

Members thanked Officers for the report and asked if they could be kept up-to-date with regards to the impact from Covid 19 on the transport network. Offices confirmed that regular updates would be presented over the next 18 months once further data had been captured.




1.    That the Planning, Transport and Regeneration Overview & Scrutiny Committee noted the progress made in preparing an updated Thurrock Transport Strategy and endorse the approach set out within this report.


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