Agenda item

Public Protection work involving Animals


Gavin Dennett, Strategic Lead Public Protection, presented the report which provided members with an update on the services and functions the Public Protection Team undertook that involved the regulation and permitting of animal movements in relation to the control of diseases of livestock, detention and quarantining of pets in relation to rabies control and the licensing of some animal related services.


Councillor Redsell stated the Council needed to be stricter and to follow up on those residents living under a tenancy agreement where there were lots of pets in one property or dangerous dogs. Gavin Dennett stated these instances should be referred to Housing but if it was a risk or health concern for the animal the RSPCA would need to be involved.


Councillor Lawrence questioned what could residents do when they saw horses tied up on the roadside. Gavin Dennett stated that horse welfare would fall under the Animal Welfare Act and the RSPCA would enforce where horses were in distress. The welfare of horses that may stray onto roads and the welfare and safety of road users fell with the Police who had some powers to ensure that roads were kept clear. The Council would also ensure that any leases issued for grazing covered the appropriate conditions and was dealt with properly.


Councillor Lawrence asked for clarification on housing associations where there had been reports of the number of dogs in flats and questioned whether the Council had any powers to deal with that. Gavin Dennett stated housing associations would have their own terms, tenancy agreements and stipulations with the Council would not having as much control as they did over their own tenancies. Councillor Lawrence questioned what the process would be to report an incident of a resident living in Thurrock but under another housing association who kept dangerous dogs. Gavin Dennett stated that if the resident had concerns about dog noise the Council did have some powers but if the resident felt in danger of a dog attack they should report this to the Police and the Council could assist the Police in communicating with such housing associations.


Councillor Rigby questioned whether there had been an improvement in the reduction of puppy farms following the compulsory registering of breeders with the Council. Gavin Dennett stated there had been an improvement with those that registered but the issue was with the illegal puppy farms who were unlikely to register. That the Council issued dog breeding licences which were enforced vigorously and also worked alongside other local authorities. Councillor Rigby further questioned whether the imported dogs were being picked up at the ports or once they were in the communities. Gavin Dennett stated that these were normally identified through a consumer complaint received through the Trading Standards Team. Also any potential stowaway animals found in the port area would be dealt with differently as they were potentially importing disease so would have to be quarantined.


Councillor J Kent noted his disappointment in the contents of the report which should have focused more on the welfare of animals as detailed in the terms of reference of the Cleaner Greener Safer Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Councillor J Kent recommended that the Council’s Animal Welfare Policy should be readdressed and possibly written to take those concerns into account and for clarification on the selling of animals from council premises and from car parks within the borough.


Members discussed this at some length and agreed that the Animal Welfare Policy should be readdressed and for this to be undertaken in the most efficient way would be to have a working group. Therefore Members agreed to add a further recommendation for a working group to be established to review the Council’s Animal Welfare Policy.




1.         The Cleaner Greener and Safer Overview and Scrutiny Committee noted the contents of the report.


2.         The Cleaner Greener Safer Overview and Scrutiny Committee recommend that a working group be established to review the Council’s Animal Welfare Policy.

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