Providing independent assurance that the Authority's financial and
risk management is adequate and effective and that there is a sound
system of internal control that facilitates the effective exercise
of its functions, including:
Keeping under review the Authority's own audit standards and
whether they are relevant and represent best practice.
Considering or reviewing the following and the action taken on them
and advising the Council and/or the Cabinet, as
Internal and external audit plans and progress against
Summaries of external and internal audit reports and progress
against recommendations made in audit reports
The annual report of the internal auditor and the Annual
Approving the annual statement of accounts and whether appropriate
accounting policies have been followed
Reports from inspection agencies, including the external auditor's
Management letter and report to those charged with governance
Keeping under review the Authority's control environment and
anti-fraud and anticorruption arrangements, including compliance
with the Financial and Contracts Procedure Rules
Keeping under review the relationships between external and
internal audit and other inspection agencies
Reviewing the performance of the Council's appointed Internal Audit