Browse meetings

Planning Committee

This page lists the meetings for Planning Committee.


Information about Planning Committee

The Planning Committee deals with matters relating to town and country planning and development control, including the determination of planning applications.

The meetings of the Planning Committees are public where elected councillors meet to decide whether planning applications are approved or refused.  Anyone can attend planning committee meetings and listen to the discussions.  Public seating is available and visitors can enter and leave the meeting for the applications in which they are interested.

The public can speak at the meetings of the Planning Committee before members of the committee take their decision. Anyone who has written to the council about a planning application will be contacted when it is due to go to committee, and told how they can speak at the committee.

There are two non-voting Co-Opted Members of the Planning Committee who are appointed each year by the Council:

·         One to represent the interests of trade and commerce in Thurrock; and

·         One to represent the interests of heritage and/or the countryside and conservation.

This meeting is open to the public, although in considering some items of business, the press and public may be requested to leave the meeting.