Venue: Training Room, The Beehive Community Resource Centre, West Street, Grays, RM17 6XP
Contact: Lucy Tricker, Senior Democratic Services Officer Email:
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Lower Thames Crossing Task Force meeting held on 18 October 2021, 15 November 2021, and 13 December 2021. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting from the Lower
Thames Crossing Task Force held on 18 October 2021, 15 November
2021 and 13 December 2021 were approved as a true and correct
record. |
Items of Urgent Business To receive additional items that the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency, in accordance with Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |
Declaration of Interests Minutes: There were no interests declared. |
Thames Freeport - Verbal Update Minutes: The Interim Assistant Director Regeneration
and Place Delivery introduced the report and explained that it
provided a brief update on the Thames Freeport and the effect this
would have on the LTC. He stated that due to the size of the
Freeport, Thurrock felt that LTC connectivity to the local road
network should improve, and the Council had met with Thames
Gateway, Port of Tilbury, and DP World to discuss the implications
of the LTC and the Freeport, particularly the adequacy of the A13
Manorway junction. He explained that the amendments that National
Highways (NH) were proposing to the Orsett Cock roundabout would
have implications on the A13 Manorway junction, and would therefore
impact port traffic. He added that Thurrock were currently waiting
for detailed traffic modelling of the Orsett Cock roundabout and
how this would affect the A13 Manorway and the A13/LTC junction.
The Interim Assistant Director Regeneration and Place Delivery
added that officers from Thurrock Council had met with the Port of
Tilbury last week to understand the alignment of the potential
Tilbury Link Road and how this might connect to Tilbury town. He
felt that the view of the Port of Tilbury was aligned with the
Council’s as both believed that the newly proposed junction
would be a good step towards the development of the Tilbury Link
Road, although the Council were still looking to understand how
future connectivity would be delivered to the port. He explained
that the new junction would be close to the port, but port traffic
would still need to travel up the A1089 to the A13/LTC junction to
then travel back down to the port. He stated that Thurrock Council
would be pushing for the Tilbury Link Road at Development Consent
Order (DCOv2) submission. He summarised and stated that NH were
planning to start their next consultation on 24 March. |
Health Impact Assessment - Verbal Update Minutes: The Senior Consultant explained that no new
information had been received on the Health Impact Assessment (HIA)
since the last meeting. Councillor Muldowney asked if the Task
Force could get sight of the HIA document. The Senior Consultant
replied that the only HIA document that Thurrock Council had
received was from DCO v1, which included the draft Health and
Equalities Impact Assessment (HEqIA), but this could be circulated
to the Task Force for information. He explained that nine local
authorities, including Thurrock, had commissioned an independent
assessment of the methodology of the HIA, and many points raised by
this assessment would hopefully be included in the next version. He
stated that Thurrock had received the full contents list from the
next version of the HIA, but would only receive the final document
at DCO submission. |
Minutes: The Chair asked that NH be invited to an upcoming meeting of the Task Force to discuss the new consultation. The Senior Consultant replied that he would liaise with NH and would invite them at the next appropriate meeting. |