Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee - Wednesday, 18th October, 2023 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices 3, New Road, Grays, Essex, RM17 6SL.

Contact: Kenna Victoria Healey, Senior Democratic Services Officer  Email:


No. Item


Items of Urgent Business

To receive additional items that the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency, in accordance with Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972.

Additional documents:


There were no items of urgent business.



Declarations of Interests

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of interests declared.


Application to review a Street Trading Consent pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Additional documents:


The Chair of the Sub-Committee advised all present of the process of the hearing. She then invited the Licensing Officer to introduce the report as outlined within the agenda.


The complainant informed the Sub-Committee via the Clerk that she had written evidence she would like to provide to the Sub-Committee and stated that she would like to speak at the hearing. Following advice from the Legal representative, given that the applicant would not have had a reasonable opportunity to examine the evidence against him, and given that the complainant was not a party to the hearing, it was decided that the use of written evidence would not be allowed at the hearing.


The Licensing Officer advised a lot of what was within the written evidence brought by the complainant was before the trading consent had been granted and was therefore not relevant to the hearing.


Members and the applicant were provided the chance to ask questions of the Licensing Officer, during which it was highlighted that no other complaints against the applicant had been received by the Licensing Department.


The applicant was then given the opportunity to present his case. He started by apologising to the Sub-Committee and commenting he thought this issue had been resolved. The applicant continued by stating he had spoken with his drivers reminding them of where they can and cannot park and to follow any restrictions.  He told Members that he had vans all over the borough and he had received no other complaints.


Members sought clarification that the applicant had spoken with his drivers in relation to traffic and parking restrictions. He confirmed that he had.


The Licensing Officer then provided a short summary to the Sub-Committee during which Members were advised they had heard of the allegations against the applicant in June 2023 and had received the factual report from officers.


The applicant was asked to present a summary of his case to Members; during which he apologised to Members for the alleged incidents.


The Chair sought everyone had said all they wished too; it was agreed they had. The Sub-Committee then adjourned at 7.37pm for deliberation and were accompanied by the Legal Advisor and the Democratic Services Officer. 


The meeting reconvened at 7.55pm


RESOLVED that the Sub-Committee take no further action and the conditions on the license remain.



Determination of an application for a new Premises Licence pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Additional documents:


The Chair of the Sub-Committee advised all present of the process of the hearing. She then invited the Licensing Officer to introduce the report as outlined within the agenda.




Members and the applicant were provided the chance to ask questions of the Licensing Officer.


The applicant was then given the opportunity to present his case, during which he commented upon the opening hours of the premise and confirmed the closing time would be earlier at 10pm with there being none or fewer sales from 9.30pm as the shop was usually quiet at this time.


Following questions from Members it was confirmed the applicant was happy to accept the conditions suggested by Essex Police.


The Licensing Officer then provided a short summary to the Sub-Committee, advising officers had nothing further to add and it was for Members to make the final decision.


The applicant was asked to present a summary of his case to Members; during which he commented he had nothing further to add.


The Chair sought everyone had said all they wished too; it was agreed they had. The Sub-Committee then adjourned at 8.12pm for deliberation and were accompanied by the Legal Advisor and the Democratic Services Officer. 


The meeting reconvened at 8.16pm


RESOLVED that the Licensing Sub-Committee grant the amended application.


The meeting finished at 8.17 pm

The recording of the meeting can be found from the following link:

Licensing Sub-Committee - Wednesday 18 October 2023, 7:00pm - Thurrock Council committee meeting webcasts (