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Minutes PDF 699 KB
To approve as a correct record
the minutes of the Planning, Transport, Regeneration Overview and
Scrutiny Committeemeeting held on 1 February
Additional documents:
The minutes of the Planning,
Transport and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting
held on 1 February 2022 were approved as a true and correct
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Items of Urgent Business
To receive additional items
that the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter
of urgency, in accordance with Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local
Government Act 1972. To agree any relevant briefing notes submitted
to the Committee.
Additional documents:
There were no items of urgent
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Declaration of Interests
Additional documents:
There were no interests
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Thurrock Supported Bus Services PDF 355 KB
Additional documents:
The Strategic Transport Manager
introduced the report and outlined the three subsidised bus
services currently operating within Thurrock, which were the 11,
265 and 374. He stated that the 11 service ran Monday through
Friday between 7am and 7pm every two hours and covered areas such
as Purfleet, Aveley, Grays, Chadwell St Mary, Horndon-on-the-Hill
and Basildon Hospital. He added that the 265 operated Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, and the 374 operated Monday through Friday at
90-minute intervals and every three hours on a Saturday. He
commented that some rural areas did not have any other public
transport links such as Fobbing, Bulphan and Horndon-on-the-Hill,
and the contract had been operated by Nibs since 2019. He stated
that Nibs currently had a three-year contract for the services with
a two-year extension option. The Strategic Transport Manager added
that the current contract had come to an end in March 2022, but had
been extended for a year. He stated that bus services had been
affected by the pandemic as in 2019 there had been approximately
89,000 journeys compared to only 30,758 journeys in 2020 and 65,008
journeys in 2021. He explained that the service cost approximately
£454,318 per year to run, but this could change due to the
number of bank holidays in a year.
The Strategic Transport Manager explained that approximately 60% of
service users had concessionary passes and therefore did not pay
for the bus service, although this percentage was higher in some
areas such as Bulphan. He stated that 40% of bus users were paying
for the service and this had increased since the start of the
pandemic. He mentioned that Nibs had maintained the bus services in
Thurrock, but costs were expected to rise by approximately
£100,000 per year due to fuel costs, driver shortages,
maintenance, and tyre costs. He stated that the purpose of the
report was to seek approval and endorsement to review the services
to ensure they continued to provide value for money and were needed
by residents, either in their current guise or at all. He added
that Thurrock Council did not have a statutory duty to provide bus
routes and had managed to partly subsidise these services through a
£50,000 Covid grant from the Department of Transport. He
explained that Nibs also received some grants from Essex County
Council as the bus services partly operated in Essex County
Council’s area. The Strategic Transport Manager summarised
and stated that the report set out the process for consultation,
which would be approximately 12 weeks and would run alongside a
Community Equality Impact Assessment and user profiling. He stated
that a report outlining consultation responses and other work
undertaken would be brought back to the Committee in December
The Chair thanked officers for the report and questioned how
removing public transport links would help the Council move towards
its aims for sustainable and greener travel. The Strategic
Transport Manager replied that the consultation would review how
the service was provided, for example if big buses ...
view the full minutes text for item 4.
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Stanford-le-Hope Interchange Report PDF 2 MB
Additional documents:
The Interim Assistant Director
Regeneration and Place Delivery introduced the report and stated
that the project was being brought forward in two phases: Phase 1
being the new station, which was in detailed design phase and
construction stage; and the Phase 2 being the Transport Hub, which
was in concept design stage. He stated that a contractor for Phase
1 had been appointed in March 2022 and the team were currently
negotiating the final sign-off of the contract, which would
hopefully be completed next week. He added that there was currently
a one- or two-month delay to works starting on the site due to the
contract execution issues, but was hopeful that the contractors
could offset this delay as the detailed design phase continued. The
Interim Assistant Director Regeneration and Place Delivery added
that the South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP), who are
one of the funders, had asked for an updated business case
demonstrating value for money, which had been issued in draft with
the aim that it be endorsed by SELEP in September. He stated that
Part 2 of the business case concerning Phase 2 would describe how
the concept design would be reviewed in partnership with
stakeholders to ensure local businesses, such as the port, had
their transport needs met and property development opportunities
explored. He stated that construction of Phase 2 of the project
could not begin until Phase 1 was completed, so felt that now was
the optimal time to undertake a re-evaluation.
The Interim Assistant Director Regeneration and Place Delivery
explained that the contractors price met the Phase 1 budget
envelope, and the team were working on a fixed cost contract,
although this was currently being discussed with contractors due to
the delayed execution and ongoing inflation issues. He highlighted
Table 3.10 of the report which outlined the key milestones in the
scheme, and explained that once the contract had been signed,
activity such as enabling works could begin onsite. He added that
3.11 of the report outlined the key risks, mitigation, and
opportunities for the scheme, and highlighted that Network Rail
were involved in the scheme in an Asset Protection capacity and
were an integral part of the design team, which meant that ideas
such as reduced piling for platforms through value engineering
could be progressed.
The Chair thanked officers for the report and asked if the late
contract signing would influence the construction start date. The
Interim Assistant Director Regeneration and Place Delivery stated
that the effect of the late contract signing would be understood
when the contract had been signed and the contractors programme was
submitted. Councillor Allen felt that the project had taken a long
time, but felt pleased that it seemed to be moving forward. He
asked if the project could still be delivered within the original
budget envelope, as the detailed design had been changed. The
Interim Assistant Director Regeneration and Place Delivery felt
confident that Phase 1 of the project could be delivered within the
current budget ...
view the full minutes text for item 5.
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Tilbury Town Fund Programme PDF 710 KB
Additional documents:
The Strategic Lead Regeneration
introduced the report and stated that it was being presented to the
Committee ahead of submission to Cabinet next week, and it outlined
the Tilbury Town Fund programme. He stated that the programme
provided approximately £22.8million to Tilbury as part of
central government’s levelling up programme, and officers
were currently in the process of preparing a Business Case Summary
to be submitted to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and
Communities before 5 August deadline. He explained that Table 1 of
the report outlined the revised programme list, which had been
amended following a cost plan review and stakeholder
The Chair thanked officers for the report and felt that it was
positive as it would provide approximately £22.8million in
funding to Tilbury. He asked if the team had considered cost
inflation for areas such as materials within the budget, as parts
of the project was not due to be completed until March 2026, during
which inflation may have risen further. The Strategic Lead
Regeneration stated that during the programme review stage, the
budget would be looked at more rigorously. He explained that there
had been inconsistencies in the previous budget due to inflation,
which were now being addressed as outlined in section 3.4 of the
report. The Chair queried the cost increase for the Tilbury jetty.
The Strategic Lead Regeneration explained that this cost increase
was due to sense checking the preliminary design. He stated that
the first design had been for a double-decker jetty structure,
which was not required and had been over-engineered. He stated that
the cost increase reflected predicted cost increases for quarter 3
in 2023 and other contingencies. He added that other areas of the
fund had reduced their budget envelopes, for example the community
hub and adult skills centre which had reduced costs by proposing
the reuse of existing buildings rather than building a new
Councillor Allen felt that the proposed jetty would be more
beneficial to the cruise terminal and ports rather than residents,
although he felt it could be a good way to travel into London. He
asked who had examined the preferred site of the youth centre at
Anchor Fields and why they had determined that site to be the best
location. He felt that other areas such as Brennan Road and London
Road would be better sites for the youth centre, as Anchor Fields
was currently designated as a Field in Trust and used as open,
green space by residents. He asked if other sites could be explored
and investigated for the youth centre. The Strategic Lead
Regeneration explained that the Committee and Cabinet had
previously considered the Town Investment Plan, which had included
the proposal for the Thurrock Youth Zone. He explained that the
location was subject to review, but the preferred site was Anchor
Fields due to constraints with other sites. He explained that the
old youth centre building was too small; the police station was
also too small and not council owned; ...
view the full minutes text for item 6.
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Work Programme PDF 106 KB
Additional documents:
Members agreed to add the
following items to the Work Programme:
1. Stanford-le-Hope Interchange project at every Committee
2. Grays underpass
3. Grays regeneration masterplan
4. Purfleet regeneration
5. Tilbury Town Fund to come back to Committee
6. Parking Strategy Update
7. Local Plan Update to be presented in October, and reports from
the Local Development Plan Task Force to be shared with PTR