Venue: Committee Room 2, Civic Offices, CO3 Building, New Road, Grays, Essex, RM17 6SL.
Contact: Darren Kristiansen, Business Manager - AHH Directorate Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes and Action Log PDF 106 KB To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Board meeting held in August 2022.
Additional documents: |
Urgent Items To receive additional items that the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency, in accordance with Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972. Additional documents: |
Declaration of Interests Additional documents: |
HWB Strategy Domain in focus - Domain 1 Healthier For Longer. PDF 107 KB 1. Members are asked to note that the covering report for this item is also provided for item 6. 2. This item provides a summary of domain and priorities and setting out plans for delivery, year one. Additional documents: |
HWB Strategy Domain in focus - Domain 6 Community Safety. PDF 1 MB Additional documents: |
Better Care Fund (BCF) Annual Plan approval PDF 119 KB 1. Members are asked to note that due to the formatting of some of the supporting documents they will be provided with the meeting papers separately. 2. Given these are public meetings any members of the public or interested parties wishing to see the documentation not included within the published pack should contact Secretariat at to request copies Additional documents: |
Initial Health Assessments PDF 153 KB Additional documents: |
Annual Public Health Report PDF 109 KB Additional documents: |