Agenda and minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board - Friday, 23rd November, 2018 10.30 am

Venue: Committee Room 1, Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, Essex, RM17 6SL. View directions

Contact: Darren Kristiansen, Business Manager - Commissioning  Email:

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 109 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Board meeting held on Insert dateInsert year.



The minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Board meeting held on 21 September 2018 were approved as a correct record.  



Urgent Items

To receive additional items that the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency, in accordance with Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972.


There were no urgent items raised in advance or at the meeting of the meeting. 



Declaration of Interests


There were no declarations of interest.


STP Update

A verbal update will be provided to members by Mandy Ansell, Accountable Officer Thurrock CCG


Mandy Ansell, Accountable Officer, Thurrock CCG provided members with a verbal update.  The following points were made:

·         The STP, Orsett Hospital proposals had been referred to the Secretary of State for the Department of Health and Social Care.  HOSC agreed in principle to refer the Orsett Hospital Closure on 8 November 2018.  A special HOSC had been arranged for 5 December at which a formal referral would be considered.


During discussions the following points were made:

·         Cllr Halden and Cllr Gledhill expressed concerns about the time taken to refer decisions taken by the Mid and South Essex CCG Joint Committee in July 2018 to the Secretary of State. 

·         The impact on delaying plans within Thurrock on progressing the development of Integrated Medical Centres and wider transformation work was acknowledged by members.


RESOLVED:  HWB members noted the update and provided comments.



Plan on a Page and Educational Attainment Outcomes (Provisional) pdf icon PDF 594 KB

Item will be presented by Andrea Winstone, School Improvement Manager, Children’s Services.  A copy of the PowerPoint presentation is included within member’s packs






This item was presented to members by Andrea Winstone, School Improvement Manager, Children’s Directorate.  Key points included:

·         There has been a three year improving trend in all subjects at key stage 1 for the percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard.

·         Whilst the percentage of pupils achieving the greater depth is lower than the national, Thurrock has seen a marked improvement on the previous year.

·         This is as a result of greater teacher confidence in the revised curriculum and a focus on ensuring more pupils achieve greater depth.

·         Early GCSE data suggests that 72% of the pupils in Thurrock achieved a grade 4+ in English and 67% achieved a grade 4+ in mathematics (standard pass).

·         In Thurrock provisional data shows that 62% of pupils achieved the combined English and mathematics grade 4+ measure, compared to 61% in 2017. The proportion of pupils who achieved the ‘strong’ combined English and mathematics grade 5+ increased by 1 percentage point in 2018.

·         The plan on a page, although not statutorily required, captures information and that includes plans for reviewing termly performance data on a quarterly basis as well as brokering support and guidance.


During discussions the following points were made:

·         The data on educational attainment was welcomed and progress made with improving.

·         The narrowing of the attainment gap between disadvantaged and more affluent pupils was welcomed by members.

·         The plans to provide mental health support in schools through school based teams was welcomed.


RESOLVED: Health and Wellbeing Board members noted improved educational attainment outcomes across a range of indicators.



Whole Systems Obesity Strategy pdf icon PDF 154 KB

Item will be presented by Faith Stow, Public Health Programme Manager.


Members have been provided with a copy of the Whole Systems Obesity Strategy and PowerPoint presentation in their meeting papers

Additional documents:


This item was presented by Faith Stow, Public Health Programme Manager. Key points included:

·         Obesity is one of the most serious and complex public health challenges of the 21st century.  On a simplistic individual level, it is caused by consuming more calories than are burned off over a sustained time period. However, the evidence base highlights a huge array of factors that drive this equation related to physiology, biology, individual psychology, parenting, community, daily activity, food production and marketing, food consumption, transport and the physical built environment. 

·         Obesity is associated with significantly increased incidence of hypertension, heart disease, stroke, 13 types of cancer, asthma, musculoskeletal conditions including osteoarthritis, liver disease, reproductive complications and mental ill health including depression and anxiety, placing potentially avoidable demand on health and care services.

·         In Thurrock:

o   more than 1 in 5 children (22.6%) at age 5 are overweight or obese

o   More than 1 in 3 children (39.3%) at age 10 and 11 are overweight or obese (2017/18)

o   7 in 10 adults are overweight or obese (2016/17)

o   Just over half of adults in Thurrock are physically active (2016/17)

·         The financial cost of obesity nationally and in Thurrock is substantial


During discussions the following points were made:

·         The merit of creating allotments was considered and members noted that a high proportion of allotments in Thurrock remain vacant.  Queries were raised about the contribution that creating allotments in Thurrock may have on tackling obesity.

·         Members acknowledged the importance of considering the hidden costs of obesity including, for example, bariatric bathroom conversions. Members also noted that financial resources allocated to tier two treatment and bariatric surgery had increased substantially.  It was agreed that calculations on financial losses caused by obesity would be provided to Cllr Gledhill for information

Action Faith Stow

·         It was suggested that consideration should be provided to funding school sports facilities including for example, building all weather pitches that can be shared between neighbouring schools.  Travel to schools through creating safe walking and cycling routes should also be considered.


·         Members acknowledged the complexities of tackling obesity and welcomed the whole system approach being adopted to tackle obesity in Thurrock.  Members welcomed further information at a future meeting on how the action plan will link with other key strategies. 



·         The Health and Wellbeing Board approved the WSOS, subject to issues raised by members being considered and the proposed governance arrangements were approved.

·         The Health and Wellbeing Board noted the work of the WSOS as being pivotal in contributing to outcomes within the overarching Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2016-2021.



Annual Report of the Director of Public Health - Healthy Housing for the Third Age: Improving Older People's Health through Housing pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Item will be presented by Andrea Clement, Assistant Director, Public Health.


Members have been provided with a covering report and the executive summary within their meeting papers.


Members were sent a copy of the full report electronically with the meeting papers

Additional documents:


Andrea Clement, Assistant Director Public Health, presented this item.  Key points included:

·         There is a wide body of evidence that shows the link between good housing and health.  Housing is widely accepted to be a key determinant of health and can impact positively and negatively on an individual’s physical and mental health, in turn affecting the demand for and use of health and social care resources.

·         Thurrock has a growing and ageing population.  Nationally the population is living longer, albeit not necessarily healthier, lives. Within Thurrock, the over 65yrs+ population is estimated at 23,700 (2017) and is projected to grow by 5% by 2020, and potentially by 46% by 2035. As a result, it is anticipated that there will be a significant increase in the number of older people requiring health and social care services.  Housing can contribute positively or negatively to the prevalence and management of health conditions.

·         The report makes the case for focus on four key areas for older people’s housing: the need to build a bespoke range of specialist homes, the need to build mainstream homes which are suitable across the life-course, the need to ensure existing housing is suitable for older people, and a need to develop healthy places which incorporate age friendly features. 


During discussions the following points were made:

·         Members welcomed the report and the substantial evidence base used to inform how older people’s health could be improved through housing.

·         It was acknowledged that residential and nursing care was outside of the scope of this report.

·         The need to support people in their own homes to remain in the community and encouraging people to consider when to move, particularly to consider downsizing was recognised

·         The work of the Housing and Planning Advisory Group, a sub-group of the Board which considers the health impact of major developments was acknowledged by members.

·         It was suggested that consideration should be given to how to ensure that training is provided to young people with a view to creating a labour workforce within Thurrock to support the building of houses.


RESOLVED:  The Health and Wellbeing Board:

·         Noted and commented on the content and recommendations contained within the report.

·         Considered how the findings of the report can best be used to influence strategy relating to older people’s housing and The Local Plan



Integrated Care Alliance Memorandum of Understanding pdf icon PDF 75 KB

Members are being provided with an update on the Integrated Care Alliance Memorandum of Understanding.


Members have been provided with a covering report and copy of the Memorandum of Understanding

Additional documents:


Roger Harris advised members that Thurrock Integrated Care Alliance comprising key partner agencies had continued to develop a MOU to support the alignment and integration for planning and delivering health and care services. 


Board members acknowledged the importance of ensuring that the MOU is right and shows how partners will work together as a single system.  The Health and Wellbeing Board agreed the MOU and delegated authority to the Chair to approve minor amendments to the MOU which may be suggested by Boards of partners involved in the MOU.



Integrated Commissioning Executive Minutes pdf icon PDF 176 KB

For members to consider and comment upon ICE minutes of August 2018


RESOLVED:   Members considered and noted ICE minutes for the meeting of August 2018



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 66 KB

To consider future workplan for HWB


RESOLVED: The Board noted the future work programme.