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Minutes PDF 77 KB
To approve as a correct record
the minutes of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny
Committeemeeting held on 11 June
The minutes of the Corporate
Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 11 June 2019 were approved
as a correct record.
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Items of Urgent Business
To receive additional items
that the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter
of urgency, in accordance with Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local
Government Act 1972.
There were no items of urgent
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Declaration of Interests
There were no interests
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Apprenticeship Strategy Update Report PDF 420 KB
Additional documents:
The Strategic Lead – HR,
Resourcing & Improvement introduced the report and explained
that it showed the progression of the apprenticeship strategy now
it was entering its third year, and the impact it was having. She
stated that the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) target had been
exceeded in 2018/19 with 60 new apprenticeships, which had been an
increase since 2017/18. She commented that the KPI target for
2019/20 was to have 59 new apprenticeships, and this figure had
been based on 2.3% of the current workforce headcount. She
commented that the good work of apprenticeships had been recognised
at this year’s Staff Awards. The Strategic Lead – HR,
Resourcing and Improvement then detailed the introduction of the
annual Apprenticeships Recruitment Day and described how in 2018,
15 new starters had been recruited through this, and in 2019, over
25 offers had been made. She also drew Members attention to
Appendix 1 of the report, which was a breakdown of the 60 new
starters in 2018/19, describing how 50% were up-skilling within the
Council, and 50% were new apprentices. She felt that the
apprenticeships being offered were diverse across subject and
level. She summarised and stated that the council were committed to
retention of apprenticeships, with 50% of the 2017/18 being
retained, and 6 permanent roles offered for the 2018/19 cohort so
The Chair welcomed the report and felt it was positive. He asked if
the retention rate for apprentices was aspirational enough, and if
the council could create roles for apprentices when their
apprenticeships ended. He also asked a question on the source of
apprentices, as he felt it would be good to see more apprentices
coming into the council from outside the current workforce. The
Strategic Lead – HR, Resourcing and Improvement replied that
50% was a good retention rate, but those that did not stay at the
council often took other roles within the borough. She added that
the council wanted to see apprentices fulfil their career
aspirations wherever they maybe, although the council offered a
good support package and therefore had a good completion rate. She
added that the council had embedded Directorate ‘Apprentice
Champions’ to ensure apprenticeships were offered across the
whole council, and described the success of the Apprentice
Recruitment Day. She stated that the 50% of apprentices that were
classed as up-skilling within the council also included those
new-starters that had completed their first apprenticeships and
were moving up a level.
The Chair drew the Committee’s attention to page 16, point
3.7 and asked how the levy funding to small/medium enterprises
(SMEs) would work. The Strategic Lead – HR, Resourcing and
Improvement answered that this was a new priority, which was in the
early phase of scoping. The Director HR, OD and Transformation
added that this was a project that was being looked at regionally
and nationally, although Thurrock Council was spending a good
proportion of its levy, but would assist local SMEs if the
opportunity arose. She stated that the council were identifying
view the full minutes text for item 9.
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Grays South Regeneration: Civic Offices Project Position Statement PDF 115 KB
The Interim Director Place
introduced the report and stated that it had been born out of a
Full Council motion in July 2019, which had proposed the
cancellation of the Civic Offices project, and a request from the
Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee for additional
information. He stated that the report set out the current status
of the project and the rationale behind it, as well as why the
project was the best value option, both financially and for the
wider regeneration benefits. The Interim Director Place felt that
the Civic Offices project would encourage other investment in Grays
and would improve the customer experience. He drew the
Committee’s attention to 2.1 and 2.2 in the report that
detailed how the project would meet the wider regeneration
ambitions and improvements for Grays. He commented that
£200million was being invested into Grays regeneration, which
included the proposed investment from New Rivers in the town
centre. He also highlighted point 2.3 that summarised development
in Table A, and the financial benefits of the project compared to
refurbishment of CO1. He then highlighted 2.9 in the report that
stated a Preconstruction Services Agreement contract had been
signed in April 2019, and the Planning Committee had deferred the
item until its September meeting. He added that land availability
negotiations had taken place, so Thurrock Council had now acquired
the freehold for properties in New Road and the High Street. He
stated that early investigations had found that the CO1 site could
yield 80 residential units, but with investment from New Rivers,
this figure could be more ambitious. He also highlighted 2.13 and
the proposals for Thameside, which had been de-coupled from the
Civic Offices project, and stated that a separate report on this
would come before the Committee at a later date. He summarised and
added that recommendation 1 would have to be changed as Cabinet had
moved from 4 September to 11 September.
The Chair began the debate and felt that this topic was of much
interest to people across the borough. He asked what the
£9.78million cost covered, and how this figure had been
predicted. The Senior Project Manager replied that the figure of
£9.78million included all build costs and professional costs
for the development of the CO2 site. He stated that the CO1 site
would be self-funded and would give a separate return. The Chair
then asked how the figure of £2.8million for the return on
CO1 was predicted. The Director Finance and IT replied that the
figure of £2.8million was based on a Thurrock Regeneration
Limited approach, which was a proven model as it had been used for
the St Chads site. He stated that £2.8million included all of
the ground preparation works, construction, rented income and
finally capital receipts. The Chair questioned the assumption he
felt was made in the report that vacating CO1 would reduce costs,
due to plant being at end-of-life. He asked what impact this would
have on day-to-day running costs and savings. The Interim Director
view the full minutes text for item 10.
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Collaborative Communities - Thurrock's Approach to Community Engagement PDF 99 KB
The Strategic Lead –
Community Development and Equalities introduced the report and
stated that community engagement covered a broad spectrum, but the
introduction of a new consultation portal increased residents
inclusion, although it was only in early stages of development. She
felt it was the right time to introduce a new community engagement
approach, which could galvanise best practice and work across
council departments. She added that all council departments should
be working with communities to deliver joint outcomes and enable
community action, without encountering too much bureaucracy. She
summarised and stated the purpose of this report was to gauge
Members views and increase community conversations.
The Chair welcomed the report and felt it was crucial to engage
communities. He asked about the process of moving community
engagement forward, for example by mapping community groups, and
ensuring harder to reach communities were included. The Strategic
Lead – Community Development and Equalities answered that the
team were currently organising a conference with CVS that would
display best practice and how the council were effectively managing
services. She clarified that the new framework would not just
consult residents, but would actively engage them. She mentioned
that the council had a good understanding of voluntary, faith and
community groups, and had an ‘asset map’ on a variety
of groups. She stated that the new portal was digital and
interactive to help harder to reach groups get involved and feel a
part of their community.
The Chair asked if new digital engagement was being considered as
part of this approach, such as community Facebook pages. The
Strategic Lead Community Development and Equalities replied that
the consideration of social media was included as part of the
strategy, and the portal was becoming a way to increase traction on
social media. She added that the portal was not just for surveys,
but also for residents to make suggestions, comments and showed
visual maps. She stated that it also had a participation budget
tool, so a council department could show residents how much money
they could spend on a project and residents could get involved by
deciding on certain aspects within that budget. She commented that
the purpose of this report was to get Member agreement and then
every department would sign up to this proposal, so all services
could think about the community and say yes to community
Councillor Duffin commented that he wanted to see consultation and
petition successes pushed on social media, so residents could see
the feedback from their participation. He felt that residents often
felt disenfranchised as they were consulted on topics, but the
outcomes did not change. He wanted to see community engagement
leading to definitive change. The Strategic Lead Community
Development and Equalities agreed that residents often felt like
decisions had already been made, so the new proposal would help to
convince people their participation does matter. She added that new
portal would give feedback to residents on consultation, and gave
the example of the library consultation that highlighted
view the full minutes text for item 11.
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Quarter 1 Corporate Performance Report 2019/20 PDF 162 KB
The Strategy Manager introduced
the report and stated it was the first Corporate Performance report
in 2019/20, and followed a similar format to previous years. She
mentioned that following comments made previously at the Corporate
Overview and Scrutiny Committee, a ‘route to green’ was
now included for any Key Performance Indicator (KPI) that had
missed target, and provided additional commentary.
The Chair felt it was good see the new ‘route to green’
as it was helpful to see concrete plans that were being undertaken
for KPIs which had not reached target, for example the percentage
of waste recycled or reused. He felt that some KPIs ‘route to
green’ was not as detailed as he would like to see, but
understood this was the first review using this system. He added it
was good to see the KPI regarding bins collected on the correct day
had met its target, and was now measured in a different way, so the
Committee could see month-on-month targets, rather than an overall
Councillor Duffin added it was good to see the ‘route to
green’ and felt it was a good change in formatting.
1. The Committee noted and commented upon the performance of the
key corporate performance indicators in particular those areas
which are off target
2. The Committee identified any areas which require additional
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Work Programme PDF 49 KB
No Members or officers had any
items to add to the Work Programme.