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Minutes PDF 314 KB
To approve as a correct record
the minutes of Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny
Committee meeting held on 11 November 2021 and 1 December
Additional documents:
There minutes of the meeting held on 11
November 2021 and 1 December 2021 were approved as a true and
correct record.
43. |
Items of Urgent Business
To receive additional items
that the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter
of urgency, in accordance with Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local
Government Act 1972. To agree any relevant briefing notes submitted
to the Committee.
There were no items of urgent business. The
briefing note submitted to the Committee regarding the work of
Inspire was agreed.
44. |
Declaration of Interests
There were no declarations of interest.
Councillor Akinbohun arrived at 7.04pm.
45. |
Youth Cabinet Update
The Youth Cabinet Representative provided
their update and explained that they were working on the
‘Make Your Mark’ challenge, which helped young people
with mental health difficulties around Thurrock. She explained that
Youth Cabinet were also working with the Education and Wellbeing in
Schools Service to develop a questionnaire regarding young
people’s mental health to ensure the campaigns would be the
most effective. She stated that they were also working with Essex
Police on the ‘Speak Out, Speak Up, Speak Big’ campaign
to produce a video regarding crime that would be posted on social
media as the Youth Cabinet had found that current Essex Police
videos aimed at young people had not been engaging. She added that
Youth Cabinet were also going into schools to debate and educate
young people on hate crime, and were producing a leaflet in
partnership with the Hate Crime Officer, which was aimed at 9-13
year olds and would explain hate crime and how to report it.
The Assistant Director Education and Skills questioned how the work
of Youth Cabinet and Essex Police could link with schools. The
Youth Cabinet Representative explained that Youth Cabinet were
engaging in the ‘Make your Mark’ campaign by promoting
the work of Essex Police in schools and making posters. The Chair
asked how Youth Cabinet were working to improve engagement between
schools and the ‘Make your Mark’ campaign. The Youth
Cabinet Representative replied that the ‘Make your
Mark’ campaign would be promoted on social media and would be
discussed within schools. The Chair thanked Youth Cabinet for their
hard work throughout the year, and for their continued attendance
at Children’s O&S Committees.
The Youth Cabinet Representative and Youth Support
Worker left the meeting at 7.09pm.
46. |
Items Raised by Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Partnership: Progress Update on Peer Review & Case Review - Action Plans PDF 323 KB
Additional documents:
The LSCP Business Manager introduced the
report and stated that it provided an update on the work of the
LSCP and the progress that had been made on action plans. She
stated that the Partnership were currently working on updating the
service’s priorities. She commented that the current
priorities included neglect, participation and engagement, and
violence and vulnerability. She explained that this work included
consulting with frontline practitioners regarding their emerging
concerns, and she hoped the new priorities would be agreed by the
end of March 2022. She explained that a roundtable meeting had been
held in December 2021 regarding the new priorities, and a frontline
practitioner questionnaire had been circulated, which would close
on Friday 18 February. She explained that once the feedback had
been analysed, the Partnership would then choose the new priorities
based on this and other factors, and would work with the Health and
Wellbeing Board and Community Safety Partnership to ensure the new
priorities would support their ongoing work. She stated that
identified priorities for 2022-24 would need to be processed via
the LSCP governance processes, but that the Partnership had been
working with the Safeguarding Adults Board, the Health and
Wellbeing Board, and the Community Safety Partnership to devise and
agree a shared priorities document. She explained that the document
would be dynamic so that it could be updated as boards and
partnerships updated their priorities.
The LSCP Business Manager added that in October 2021 a
Children’s Social Care conference entitled ‘Building
Better Connections’ had taken place, during which 140 people,
including frontline practitioners and Councillors, had discussed
the emerging theme of extra-familial harm. She added that the
Partnership were also undertaking audits as per their annual audit
schedule during which deep dives were conducted into randomly
selected cases to ensure the Partnership was performing well,
highlighting areas of good practice, and identifying areas that
needed additional work. She explained that if certain areas were
identified as needing additional work, a re-audit may be undertaken
later on in the year to closely monitor the Partnerships progress.
She added that the LSCP Business team were collating the
Safeguarding in Education audits. She commented that a report was
currently being written and any learning would be shared directly
with schools and via learning and development events.
The LSCP Business Manager moved on and stated that the LSCP also
commissioned a detailed Thematic Review of Serious Youth Violence
and Gang Related Violence, which was a result of an incident
between two young people. She explained that the LSCP worked with
an external reviewer to see what areas had worked well and what
lessons could be learnt. She stated that the report regarding this
thematic review would be published at the end of February or early
March, and multi-agency meetings would be called to discuss the
recommendations from this review. She added that the LSCP had also
formed a Neglect Sub-Group, which was a multi-agency partnership
group to reduce neglect in Thurrock and ensure that a framework was
view the full minutes text for item 46.
47. |
Verbal Update: Written Statement of Action - Outcome of Re-Visit
The Assistant Director Education and Skills
introduced the report and stated that it outlined the recent Ofsted
revisit report that would be published on Thursday. She explained
that Ofsted had felt that Thurrock had made sufficient progress on
all areas since the inspection in 2019, and although there was some
further work to be completed, she and the team felt pleased with
the report. She explained that she had uploaded all of the relevant
Children’s O&S reports and appendices to Ofsted, and the
Ofsted inspector had reported that these had been useful and had
been pleased that O&S had shown a keen interest in the progress
of the recommendations. She felt that lots of hard work had gone
into the re-visit and many partners had been included. She stated
that the team worked hard to ensure the child was always at the
centre of the service and the team made a difference in
children’s lives. The Corporate Director Children’s
Services added that she had felt it had been a fair report and good
things had been achieved by the team. She felt that there were some
areas to improve, but lots of hard work had been undertaken so
The Chair felt pleased to see that Thurrock had made sufficient
progress on all recommendations and that the Committee had been
helpful in ensuring this had happened. She thanked officers for
their hard work over the past few years and congratulated them on
their achievement. Councillor Snell echoed the Chair’s
comments and thanked the team for their excellent work.
48. |
Home to School Transport PDF 386 KB
The Strategic Lead Education Support Service
introduced the report and stated that it provided an overview of
home to school transport. She explained that Thurrock Council had a
statutory duty to ensure children between the ages of 5 and 16, and
in some cases young people up to age 25 with an Education, Health
and Care Plan (EHCP), could get to school. She stated that
currently Thurrock Council assisted 1161 pupils get to school,
either through contracted bus routes, train ticket reimbursement,
or payments to parents for fuel. She stated that the Council were
committed to ensuring sustainable home to school travel for
children, and the team were currently undertaking a review of
school routes, including those that had previously been deemed
The Strategic Lead Education Support Service explained that the
team were considering introducing travel training for young people
in education that had complex SEND needs. She felt that this would
help some young people with SEND become more independent as they
would have someone accompanying them on their route to and from
school for a minimum of three months, with a view to them
completing an assessment and becoming able to travel on their own.
She stated that for those children with highly complex needs, for
example children attending Beacon Hill Academy, all passenger
transport would be retained. She added that the team were also
introducing a new IT module that would help support transport
providers and contracted route drivers.
The Strategic Lead Education Support Service moved on and explained
that although the team were considering all routes to school, no
decision had been taken yet, in particular no decision regarding
the route from East Tilbury to St Cleres. She explained that the
team regularly reviewed and investigated routes to schools and
would continue to consider potential alternative options for
travel, for example pupils utilising the train service. She stated
that no conclusions or decisions had been agreed, but legal advice
was being sought to determine which routes had the potential to be
made safe. She stated that the team would be talking to parents,
Councillors and the school before any decision was made. She
explained that currently six buses took children from East Tilbury
to St Cleres, and the team would be looking at all safety and
capacity aspects, and had undertaken a professional risk
assessment. She explained that the eligibility criteria for free
home to school transport would remain the same and therefore any
child with a low income family, or who lived more than three miles
away from their school, would be eligible to apply for free
The Strategic Lead Education Support Service explained that for
some post-16 students who would not be able to utilise contracted
travel anymore, the travel training programme would be offered,
which would help improve their independence. She added that the
team were currently working with year 11 students regarding travel
training, but this would be lowered so year 9 students would also
be able to access the ...
view the full minutes text for item 48.
49. |
Education and Skills Operating Model PDF 282 KB
The Assistant Director Education and Skills
introduced the report and stated that it had been requested by the
Committee in October 2021 and outlined the new operating model for
the education and skills team. She stated that the Council remained
committed to skills training for people aged 0-99, including early
years and adult learning. She stated that a review had been
undertaken that had helped to realign the work done by the team,
particularly since all schools bar one had become academies. She
explained that as a new teaching hub had been opened at Harris
Academy, some posts within the team had been removed as their
function was now undertaken by the schools themselves, including
governor development training.
The Assistant Director Education and Skills commented that the
Council had also been looking at repetitive tasks, such as data
entry, and how this could be effectively streamlined. She explained
that the team had therefore merged SEND data systems, and this had
been highlighted by Ofsted as good practice. She explained that the
nurseries previously run by Thurrock Council were now out to
procurement, which would finish in March. She added that recently
the team had been focusing on children that were electively home
educated (EHE), as following COVID approximately eighteen children
had not returned to school for mental health and anxiety reasons.
She explained that these children had all returned to school now,
but highlighted that the team were factoring in the impact of COVID
when meeting with pupils, particularly those year 11 pupils who
would be taking their GCSEs this year.
The Assistant Director Education and Skills explained that the
Education Support Service had been streamlined, as it was now under
one strategic lead. She added that the Inspire programme was also
continuing well, as it attracted significant external funding, and
was currently in the middle of a programme regarding young people
aged 16-25 that were not in employment, education or training
(NEETs). She stated that currently the number of young people whose
whereabouts in the system was unknown was zero, thanks to the hard
work of the Inspire team. The Assistant Director Education and
Skills explained that the adult community college was also under
operating under a new model, as they had relocated to the South
Essex College building and had mobilised their online learning
platforms quickly at the start of the pandemic.
Councillor Anderson asked if the Council made contact with new EHE
cases, and if a parent could be deemed unfit for home education.
The Assistant Director Education and Skills replied that all EHE
parents were met with and RAG rated. She added that if a parent was
RAG rated red the team would encourage parents to consider other
options for schooling, and would be continually monitored in
partnership with the parent. She stated that during COVID the
number of EHE parents had significantly increased, and robust
processes had been put in place. She stated that there were local
forums for EHE parents who supported each other, ...
view the full minutes text for item 49.
50. |
Children's Social Care Operating Model PDF 257 KB
The Corporate Director Children’s
Services introduced the report and stated that it followed on from
the previous report as it reported on savings within the new
Children’s Services operating model. She explained that the
Children’s Services team would be operating under the Think
Families approach as of 1 April 2022, which would help address
demand across the service. She highlighted point 3.2 of the report
and stated that the Think Families approach considered the whole
family within health and social care, which would help to improve
outcomes for children, and build stronger relationships within
families. The Corporate Director Children’s Services
explained that the Think Families approach did not just consider
close family, but could also mean neighbours or family friends that
were important to the child in question, and would help support
parental networks and open broader conversations for struggling
families. She explained that if a family were becoming known to
Children’s Services, the team would ask the families what
could be done to assist them and a consultation would begin with
parents, family members, and partners such as schools and
The Corporate Director Children’s Services highlighted point
3.4 of the report and mentioned that learning and feedback from
team members had informed the new model and the team had focussed
on what the service could deliver to parents and children. She
explained that under the old model Children’s Services had
had to employ external agencies to undertake child assessments, but
this was now being brought in-house and colleagues were undertaking
the necessary training to complete these assessments. She added
that the Think Families approach would connect families and build
relationships that would be beneficial for the child, and would be
based at the Oaktree Centre as this was a more inviting environment
for children than the Civic Offices. The Corporate Director
Children’s Services stated that under the old model the team
had used the Family Group Conferencing system, whereby staff
members had to undertake specific certification for this and the
model had to be absolutely applied. She stated that this system had
been time intensive as all named individuals had to be met with
separately before a group meeting could take place. She explained
that under the new operating model, the team would be utilising the
Family Group Network approach that had been developed in New
Zealand, and ensured the family found their own solutions to
problems, with the help of professionals. She stated that this
approach empowered families, strengthened networks and was in line
with best practice guidance.
The Chair thanked officers for their comprehensive report and felt
it was good to see how the new model would affect children and
their families. She felt that it was a sensible way of finding
cost-saving measures, whilst also enhancing the experience for
families. She felt that having colleagues who could assess and help
children would improve the experience for children who could then
form bonds with their case worker. Councillor Snell echoed the
Chair’s comments and felt that ...
view the full minutes text for item 50.
51. |
Inspire - Head Start Housing: Supporting Care Leavers PDF 254 KB
The Inspire Skills Manager introduced the
report and stated that the Head Start Housing (HSH) programme had
been piloted in 2016 and provided care leavers with a tailored
approach to housing. She stated that the programme had launched in
December 2018 and had outlined the strategy for transitional
housing for care leavers, before they entered the private rental or
social housing market. She explained that in 2018 there had been 30
beds allocated to HSH for exclusive use by care leavers, and this
had been expanded when the Council had purchased an additional
three properties that provided an extra twelve beds. She explained
that HSH Officers sourced and managed properties, and provided
basic furniture and amenities, such as beds, curtains, Wi-Fi and
water, and helped care leavers access the Local Council Tax Scheme.
She stated that when the report had been written there had been an
occupancy rate of 95.56%, but this had now increased and there were
currently two rooms available, both of which were undergoing
maintenance before they could be re-let.
The Inspire Skills Manager stated that the HSH Strategy had
required refreshing in 2021 as the Council currently tried to
encourage care leavers to remain in Thurrock, which was not what
was best for some young people. She stated that the team were now
working to continue to help young people who wanted to move out of
the borough, and in the next five years the team would exchange all
private rental HSH properties for council stock. She added that the
team were also working hard to develop neglected sites across the
borough into single bed units, with the possibility of care leavers
being involved in the construction and design of these units.
Councillor Kent thanked officers for their hard work on the report
and queried the forecasted overspend of the service. He queried if
the HSH strategy was sustainable in the medium to long term. The
Inspire Skills Manager replied that the spend of the HSH
transitional accommodation had increased during COVID, and the
current overspend was £900,000. She stated that the
commissioning team were working with HSH officers to invite
providers to tender to supply housing. She added that there were
currently more than 50 beds for care leavers, which cost the
Council £156 per bed, per week, which she felt was
sustainable for the long term and met current levels of demand. She
added that the HSH team would work with colleagues in
Children’s Social Care and Housing to mitigate any financial
issues if they arose. The Corporate Director Children’s
Social Care added that the £900,000 overspend was a part of
the overall Children’s Social Care overspend.
RESOLVED: That the Committee:
1. Reviewed the cross-directorate working to improve the quality of
services to care leavers regarding housing options.
2. Supported and promoted innovative ways to engage children in
care and care leavers to prepare for independent living including
entry into employment.
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Work Programme PDF 236 KB
The Senior Democratic Services Officer stated
that under the scrutiny review, any relevant motions that had been
agreed at Full Council would be brought before Committee for their
oversight. As this was the last meeting of the municipal year,
there were no items to add to the Work Programme.