Venue: Training Room, The Beehive Community Resource Centre, West Street, Grays, RM17 6XP
Contact: Lucy Tricker, Senior Democratic Services Officer Email:
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of Cabinet held on 10 November 2021. Minutes: The minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 10 November 2021 were approved as a correct record. |
Items of Urgent Business To receive additional items that the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency, in accordance with Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972. Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |
Declaration of Interests Minutes: There were no interests declared. |
Statements by the Leader Minutes: The Leader began his statement
and informed Members and residents that the level of the new
Omicron COVID-19 variant was rising around the UK, with the first
case officially being in detected in Thurrock. He explained that
the Council would be working with health agencies to prevent the
spread of Omicron and processes had already been put in place to
manage the case identified within Thurrock. He explained that
government guidance had changed on 30 November 2021, and had again
changed 30 minutes before the start of the Cabinet meeting,
extending the use of face coverings from Friday. The Leader stated
that some media outlets had recently reported incorrectly on mask
wearing guidance, as masks were currently only mandatory in shops
and on public transport, unless exempt. He stated that there was
currently no legal requirement to wear masks on the street or in
offices, although mask wearing guidance would be updated from
Friday. He explained that people who were exempt from wearing masks
did not need to show proof of this, such as written evidence or ID,
but could wear a lanyard to show their status if they felt it was
appropriate. He stated that although the situation regarding
COVID-19 felt the same as last year, the situation was different
this year as the majority of people were now vaccinated, which
offered protection against the virus. He urged residents to be safe
when meeting family and friends over the Christmas period, such as
by opening windows and doors to allow for ventilation, and being
considerate of others wearing masks or social distancing. He stated
that COVID rates in Thurrock had increased from 616 per 100,000
last week to 1082 per 100,000 this week, which meant that Thurrock
was currently the 21st highest upper tier local
authority in terms of COVID rates. He stated that the under 49 age
group currently accounted for 86% of all COVID cases in the
borough, and this was also the age group with the lowest vaccine
uptake. He stated that the government had recently extended the
booster vaccine scheme for those aged 40 and over, and urged all
residents to get the booster jab when offered. |
Briefings on Policy, Budget and Other Issues Minutes: Councillor Johnson highlighted
that a statement had recently been made to a local news outlet
regarding the consultation for two nurseries in Thurrock, which he
felt had been incorrect. He stated that the local news outlet had
reported that the date for the potential closure of the nurseries
had been extended from March 2022 until August 2022, but clarified
that the date of potential closure had always been August 2022. He
stated that this was included in the minutes of the July
Children’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee, which stated that
if the procurement process did not find a new provider the
nurseries would be closed during the summer term of 2022.
Councillor Johnson explained that it was always the intent of
Thurrock Council to find a new provider once the consultation
period had finished, and felt pleased that the agreement to find a
new provider had received cross-party support. |
Petitions submitted by Members of the Public Minutes: No petitions had been submitted
by members of the public. |
Questions from Non-Executive Members Minutes: There were no questions submitted by Non-Executive Members. |
Matters Referred to the Cabinet for Consideration by an Overview and Scrutiny Committee Minutes: The Leader stated that a briefing note regarding Item 12 had been received from the Planning, Transport and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny Committee, which reflected their conversations from the meeting the previous night. Other than those items already contained within the agenda, no items had been referred to the Cabinet for their consideration by an overview and scrutiny committee. |
Financial Update - Quarter 2 2021/22 (Decision: 110590) PDF 739 KB Minutes: Councillor Hebb introduced the
report and stated that there had recently been un-contextualised
reports in local media outlets regarding the Council’s
finances, which he felt could be harming to the borough. He stated
that the investment approach had generated approximately
£115mn of income, after £16mn interest paid had been
deducted from the entire capital borrowing requirements, and not
just investments. He commented that all Councillors had unanimously
voted for the increases in borrowing in 2017, 2018, and 2019, and
Thurrock had benefitted from an 11.5% return on investment, which
had improved the lives of residents. He mentioned that pre-COVID
the administration had balanced budgets and a surplus, whilst
increasing reserves by 300%, which had helped pay for services for
residents. |
Adult Social Care - Provider Services Transformation (Decision: 110591) PDF 310 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Huelin introduced
the report and stated that it set out the plans for transformation
within Adult Social Care and would provide more modern and improved
care for service users. She explained that Thurrock would now be
following a wellbeing team model, as well as rationalising day care
and changing the meals on wheels service. She stated that the
Council would not be removing these services but would be becoming
more efficient with taxpayers money and would improve the quality
of life for older residents in Thurrock. She added that the Council
had a statutory duty to provide care for residents, both in their
homes and in day centres, as well as providing meals, and the team
would continue to do this with a personal and caring service. She
stated that Thurrock had been working with the main care
organisations to support the community and provide the appropriate
services for all residents. She added that a wellbeing team pilot
had been carried out in Chadwell St Mary and Tilbury, which had
found a seven times reduction in the number of older residents
needing a GP appointment, and a thirteen times reduction in the
number of people being admitted to hospital. She stated that
residents had found care had improved with the wellbeing teams as
it reduced the number of tick-box assessments that needed to be
completed and meant a more personal service could be provided,
which could adapt quickly to changing care needs. She stated that
as users were the focus for the wellbeing teams, it allowed users
to determine the type of care they wanted and needed, as well as
improving the job satisfaction and retention of those keyworkers.
She explained that whilst reviewing the day care and meals on
wheels service, all service users had been spoken too to ensure
they had made their input and understood the potential impacts on
them. |
Highways Term Maintenance and Street Lighting Contract Procurement (Decision: 110592) PDF 250 KB Minutes: Councillor Maney introduced the
report and stated that it ensured highways work could continue to
be delivered across the borough, as the current contract expired in
March 2023. He explained that this report would not award
contracts, but would begin the procurement processes necessary to
ensure highways works could be carried out. He stated that the
report proposed the removal of in-house street light maintenance,
as new street lights were LED and often required specialist
maintenance that could be better provided by a specialised
provider. He added that the report also looked at other in-house
services such as gritting and gulley maintenance, and the team
would be testing the market for external providers. He clarified
that these services would not be put out to private providers at
this stage, but market tests would take place to understand the
best value for money. He summarised and stated that this report did
not make any final decisions on procurement, but set the scene for
more detailed investigations. |
Public Land Maintenance Strategy (Decision: 110593) PDF 139 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Jefferies introduced
the report and stated that when the administration had first been
elected a new strategy of ‘Clean It, Cut It, Fill It’
had been adopted, and this report would provide an extension to
that strategy. He stated that the new strategy had been prepared to
ensure that open spaces were managed correctly, and although
maintenance in some areas would decrease, maintenance would become
more targeted. He commented that the team would be working with
local communities to ensure open spaces remained areas of
recreation, play, and fitness, and hoped civic pride in these
spaces would increase, whilst also improving biodiversity and the
environment. |
Quarter 2 (April to September 2021) Corporate Performance Report 2021/22 PDF 500 KB Minutes: Councillor Duffin introduced
the report and stated that 71% of all key performance indicators
(KPIs) had been achieved, with 59% moving in a positive direction
of travel. He highlighted the KPI regarding new apprenticeships, as
the target for Quarter 2 had been 30, but 33 new apprenticeships
had begun, which he felt was a good achievement. He added that he
was also pleased to see the KPI relating to micro-enterprises
reaching its target in Quarter 2, and thanked officers for their
hard work.