The Chief Financial Officer
presented the Quarter 1 Forecast Revenue and Capital Outturn
2024-25 Report.
The report highlighted the
forecast performance against the Council’s Revenue account
showing the current position of forecasting, a net pressure of
£3m which was 2% of the Council’s revenue budget and to
highlight the focus for the remainder of the year to reduce that to
zero pressure.
The following key points were
noted and highlighted by Members:
- £1.2m of the
overspend was a result of an over estimation in respect of the
covid grant. Members questioned what due diligence had been carried
out when estimating the figures as it was noted that this was a
significant sum. The Chief Finance
Officer explained the scheme allowed local authorities to claim for
their loss of fees and charges income during the covid period and
highlighted as it was new to everyone, it had been a difficult task
in terms of estimating. Lessons had
been learnt and if it were to happen again, the Council would make
sure as they went through the process of claims, it would be
closely reconciled against the revenue.
- Members questioned if
the Chief Finance Officer thought the overspend would have been
worse if the Council did not have recourse to the reserves, did
this mask the unhealthy financial position and what was being done
to ensure a healthy balance of reserves. The Chief Finance Officer explained that reserves
were there for a specific purpose with the reserve monies being
used for one off expenditure that will not continue into future
years. Therefore, the Chief Finance
Officer did not agree they were masking the position as some of the
reserves were grant monies received that had to be spent on
specific areas, the grant monies had been placed on reserves as
they had not been spent in the year in which it
related. Therefore, when the Council
spend that money, it is drawn from the reserve to match the
expenditure. Assurance was given that
the reserves that were being used were one off expenditure and not
for any overspend at the end of the year as this would then carry
forward into the next financial year.
- Members noted there
was a budget forecast assumed of a total transfer from reserves of
£10.6m. Members questioned what
this was for and what would be done to replenish the
reserves. The Chief Finance Officer
explained some of the reserves would not be replenished as it was
specific grant money.
- Members questioned,
based on the overspend in Quarter 1, did the Chief Finance Officer
think there would be added pressures on Quarters 2, 3 and 4 and
what was the forecast for the overspend. The Chief Finance Officer explained the forecast
was based on where the Council’s finances would be at the end
of the financial year and a huge amount of work was being done to
ensure accurate forecasting.
- Members questioned
how much interest had been made on monies in the Council’s
accounts. Members were referred to the
table on page 16 of the agenda.
- Members questioned
the £.0194 forecast overspend relating to delays incurred in
the roll out of MFD printers and was this figure recoverable
against the contract with the MFD supplier. The Chief Finance Officer explained this cost was
due to dual running of two contracts.
- Members questioned
what lessons had been learnt from Quarter 1 and how are those
learnings going to be used going into Quarter 2. The Chief Finance Officer advised a huge amount of
work was carried out at the beginning of the financial year to
ensure the forecast was as robust as possible. At present everything was being reviewed to ensure
confidence in reporting and forecasting was as accurate as
possible. It was further advised
ongoing work with Directorates was taking place to mitigate the
overspend with support and challenge by the finance directorate to
improve the budget setting process.
Halden arrived at 7.25pm
- Members questioned if
there was confidence that the Council was in a reasonable financial
position bearing in mind the financial pressures the Council was
currently under. The Chief Finance
Officer advised the situation is not ideal but considering the
level of savings that was built into the budget, the pressure was
challenging but manageable. It
was acknowledged the pressures driving the
overspend needed to be tackled, however some are national problems,
for example temporary accommodation, and therefore outside of the
Council’s control.
- Members questioned
the current position of the Thameside Theatre’s budget and
expenditure as it was noted this was a considerable pressure in the
last budget. Action Point the Chief
Finance Officer was uncertain of the current position and agreed to
take this away and would report back to the Committee regarding the
point raised.
- Members noted a
report to the next Financial Recovery Board had been requested by
Commissioners and could this report be shared with the
Committee. Action Point the Chief
Finance Officer agreed she would check if this could be released to
the Committee.
Members noted the contents of the Report and thanked Officers for
their hard work.