The Assistant Director for Communications and Engagement provided a PowerPoint Presentation to the Committee.
At 19.09 the Executive Director of Corporate Services and Monitoring Officer joined the meeting.
The following key points were highlighted by Members: -
· Members queried the statistic that 92% of residents use the internet and requested further information as to whether they had access to IT and if they were using the internet on a smart phone or in the library. Members queried if it was known where the 8% not using the internet were. The Assistant Director for Communications and Engagement responded that they need to look at the data and complete more comprehensive research this year.
· Members queried how many vulnerable residents use the front of house of the Council. Members also queried if there were any plans to complete an updated survey with non-digital options. The Assistant Director for Communications and Engagement responded that more work will be completed this year.
· Members raised that the outcome of the survey could be circular in that residents may not feel that they have any other alternative than to use the internet. Members queried if there are any measures to see if the Council is being successful in engaging with its residents in this way. The Assistant Director for Communications and Engagement stated that there should be clear objectives for certain campaigns eg to reach a certain group. Then it is possible to measure outcomes by looking at how many people have engaged with the campaign and this may be identified by how many have clicked on an item on social media.
· Members queried how the Council can ensure it is reaching out to all ethnic communities. The Assistant Director for Communications and Engagement stated that they do need to understand those Communities and where they receive information from.
· Members also queried how to reach and properly engage with the transient population of Thurrock who may come here to work and reside in a HMO. The Assistant Director for Communications and Engagement agreed this is something that needs to be explored, they do try to engage with people through everyday interactions but this community may not pay Council Tax for example.
· Members suggested using best practice from other Local Authorities. The Assistant Director for Communications and Engagement agreed and stated that the Local Government Association is also helpful at providing useful case studies.
· Members queried if the Council’s current IT system was robust enough and if it needed updating. The Executive Director of Corporate Services and Monitoring Officer confirmed that they are looking to modernise the IT and cyber security arrangements.
· Members queried how the Council is doing with press engagement. The Assistant Director for Communications and Engagement responded that residents are more likely to use the national news rather than local news. Getting into the national news is therefore critical however Thurrock has been getting into the national news for the wrong reasons recently. In terms of local news outlets there is Nub News and the Thurrock Gazette. BBC Essex engage with the Council and Heart FM interviewed the Leader regarding the Corporate Plan.
· Members queried whether there are other ways to engage with the press on more good news stories. The Assistant Director for Communications and Engagement responded that enforcements are popular and anything unusual. If there are any local news stories the Communications team want to know about it.
· Members highlighted that communications from the Council can come across as uncaring and have the wrong tone and this gives the impression that the Council doesn’t care about its residents. The Assistant Director for Communications and Engagement agreed and stated that communications should be in more basic language and the team will be working with colleagues to understand this. The Chair added that communications need to be clear about who they are coming from and there should be consistency in all communications that go out from the Council so that residents automatically know it is from the Council.
· Members queried how you fix the lack of trust from residents. The Assistant Director for Communications and Engagement stated that there is lots of room for improvement. If residents do not trust the Council, they will not listen to the council. For example, if residents do not like the Waste Strategy, they will fly-tip and this will cost the Council to clear it up.
· Members raised if sponsorship had been considered to bring in funds. The Assistant Director for Communications and Engagement confirmed that they are looking at this.
· Members stated locally there are forums and they have struggled to communicate with the Council and get officers to provide presentations to the forums. The Assistant Director for Communications and Engagement agreed the Leader and Chief Executive would like there to be more engagement with community forums.
· Members requested a resident engagement forum at the Civic Offices is arranged and advertised in advance.
· Members queried when they will have something more tangible to look at with regard to Communications. The Assistant Director for Communications and Engagement confirmed that she will be writing the strategy with other council colleagues and something will be brought back in the Autumn.
· Members queried what the Council has been doing wrong. The Assistant Director for Communications and Engagement clarified that a lot of day-to-day communications require a different approach. Visibility is important and residents being able to engaged with the Council. Customer services, the contact centre and other day-to-day communications need to be in basic language. Half of residents are signed up to the Council’s Newsletter. There needs to be more focus on engagement and more visibility in the Community forums.
ACTION 1 - Members requested data on the numbers and demographics of those residents who could not access IT services.
ACTION 2 - Members requested data on the numbers of residents who contact the Council through the reception front desk at the Civic Offices.
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