Agenda item

Integrated Medical and Well Being Centres (IMWC)- Witness Session- Verbal Update


The Executive Director for Adults Health along with the Partnership Director and The Associate Director System Programmes (NHS) provided a verbal update on the Integrated Medical and Well Being Centre’s (IMWC).


The committee were advised that there are adults with overlapping complex needs including housing issues, addiction, mental health, and social isolation. As a result, they are historically bounced around to different services having to go through several layers of red tape. The IMWC’s aim is to bring all these services together as an alliance. It has coordinated services including adult mental health, housing, addictions and the voluntary third sector, all under one roof. They work together to provide a bespoke service to meet people’s needs. Their input is included, and they are provided with a holistic approach to their care.


The committee were advised that one of the four centres has been delivered. The Corringham business case was submitted to the NHS however it was deemed unaffordable. Thurrock Clinical Commissioners Group (CCG) and Mid and South Essex CCG has an enormous deficit. Therefore, they have been forced to consider plan B.


The Partnership Director added that minor changes were made to the original plans for the building drawn in 2019. These were reviewed and altered during planning stages and there was on-going engagement with the wider Integrated Medical Centre (IMC) programme and the IMC board during this time. Key changes were noted with regards to the Clinical Commissioning Group being replaced by Integrated Care Boards (ICB) in July 2022.The final building plans were agreed in 2022 and these were implemented.


Since opening one staff interview room has been repurposed to offer prayer/ wellbeing room for staff to use. One original office room is now used to see residents for consultations.There are over twenty-seven teams utilising the centre. This includes Phlebotomy, Thurrock Council, Anti-Social Behaviour Teams, Mind, and Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT). On average there are 559 people attending weekly excluding the drop-in/walk in sessions. The Overall daily usage 95% plus capacity. There are more patients who choose to have virtual appointments. The centre is open on the weekends and evenings. Community nurses and sexual health teams use the centre over the weekends. In addition to this there is an Alzheimer’s support group, Health Watch and Artism (Autism art support group). Members were invited to visit the centre.


Members questioned if there were any minor eye condition services available at the centre. It was confirmed this was not an intended offer from this site.


The Associate Director System Programmes (NHS) added that they have created an estates group to investigate underused facilities and spaces that could deliver the other IMWC’s. Some work has commenced, and the options will be brought back to the committee. A wider model of how things can operate with the other IMWC’s, and the framework will be ready by July 2025.


Members praised the IMWC’s and wanted clarification on who will be leading operationally with the set-up of the other centres. The committee were advised this would be dependent on the options on existing properties. The estates review is joint led by Thurrock Alliance and the NHS. The funding is joint capital.


Members questioned whether there were any concrete plans and a timescale to finding alternative provisions. It was confirmed that there are real considerations in Purfleet, along with the Community Diagnostic Centre and multiple options in Grays and Tilbury. The Associate Director System Programmes advised he was confident they will find an alternative space.


Members questioned whether it was replacing services in Orsett Hospital. The Associate Director System Programmes confirmed there were no plans to remove services in Orsett Hospital until an alternative site was completed and ready for use in the community. The portfolio holder for Health and Well Being (Adults) advised that he had called for a meeting to discuss the progress of the repairs needed at Orsett Hospital and transferring services. The Associate Director System Programmes advised this was in the works and they agreed to pick this up outside the meeting.


Action: Associate Director System Programmes to provide the committee with a list of Orsett Hospital Services and locations across the borough they are best suited too.