Councillor M Hooper introduced the report and stated that in October 2023, Thurrock Council were notified of an additional opportunity of funding under the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) scheme for wave 2.2. This wave of funding was only open for bids by a selected number of social housing providers and Thurrock Council were selected as part of this cohort. The competition window opened in November 2023 with a deadline of the 31st of January 2024. Thurrock Council submitted a bid to deliver a retrofit project for 206 of the worst performing homes within the Council’s housing stock and on the 18th of March 2024, the Council were notified that the bid had been successful in securing £3,318,730.17 excluding VAT of grant funding (£3,982,476.19. including VAT).
In order to comply with the funding requirements, the grant apportionment of the total cost of the project must be delivered and spent by the end of March 2025 and the overall project must be completed by the end of March 2026.
This report is seeking approval from Cabinet to proceed to tender in order to source a contracting partner to deliver this project for and on behalf of the Council and its residents. Furthermore, the report is seeking approval from Cabinet to give delegated authority to the Executive Director of Place in consultation with the Portfolio Holder and the Section 151 Officer for award of contract following a successful procurement exercise.
Councillor V Morris Cook noted that the grant doesn’t cover all the properties in the borough it could apply to and therefore queried what the strategy is for the remaining properties.
Councillor M Hooper confirmed that there will be a review at the end of September regarding the remaining 190 properties and a report coming to Cabinet the end of this year.
Councillor V Morris Cook raised that the properties in Orsett require a lot of work and decanting and queried what the impact would be on those decanting from Blackshots.
Councillor M Hooper confirmed that it would have a limited impact on those decanting from the flats as they are looking at doing this in groups of seven and the total project should take a year.
Councillor Worrall queried how the homes were selected and if they are assured that they are the worst properties.
Councillor M Hooper stated that the Orsett properties do not meet legal requirements and therefore they have no choice but to complete the works on those. It is also about volume and the Flowers Estate is better value for money as all the properties are in the same place. The project is time limited and therefore the money is best spent on the Flowers Estate as it will be easier to manage.
Councillor Worrall queried why the tower blocks were not selected.
The Chief Officer for Housing, Economic Development & Skills, Regeneration confirmed that the tower blocks did not meet the criteria.
Councillor Worrall queried that there had not been a consultation with residents and they will not know that they will need to be decanted.
Councillor M Hooper confirmed that they will be a long consultation process with the residents of the 21 Orsett homes. It is in their interests to get their properties decarbonised as it will mean cheaper bills and better heating. Councillor M Hooper stated that they are hoping residents will not refuse to move out and will see the benefits of having this work completed on their property.
Councillor L Watson queried if the 21 Orsett homes are the only non-traditional homes in the borough and if not she queried where the others will sit in the programme.
The Chief Officer for Housing, Economic Development & Skills, Regeneration stated that a report on the remaining 190 properties will be ready by the end of the year and it is in the Council’s forward plan for its finances in 2026-27. The Teviot properties are also still being completed.
Councillor J Kent queried what structural defect means.
The Chief Officer for Housing, Economic Development & Skills, Regeneration responded that the criteria for the bid focussed on the type of build and trying to improve it. Non-traditional homes are poorly insulated and ventilated.
Councillor Kent stated that heat escapes leaving them cold and poor ventilation leads to mould. The work will be addressing issues residents have endured for too long.
Councillor L Watson queried if there would be any rental loss and if the grant covers this.
Councillor M Hooper responded that there would be some rental loss but this would be minimal in comparison to the size of the project and has been taken into account.
1.1 Cabinet Members:
1.2 Acknowledged the £3,982,476.19 (Including VAT) grant funding the Council have secured and accepted to upgrade 206 Council owned residential units.
1.3 Approved the procurement approach to allow the Council to undertake a competitive tender exercise via a framework. Following a successful procurement process a report will be issued to the Executive Director of Place and Section 151 Officer in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing that will recommend awarding of contract to a Principal Contractor to deliver the works.
1.4 Members agreed delegated authority to the Executive Director of Place and the Section 151 Officer in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing to award the contract to deliver this project as set out within this report.
Reason for the decision: as outlined in the report
This decision is subject to call-in
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