Agenda item

Support, Information and Advice for Dementia (SIAD) (Decision: 110726)


Councillor M Hooper introduced the report and outlined that Thurrock Council is planning to procure a provider to deliver a services that will provided information, advice and support or people upon a diagnosis of dementia. This will be delivered via a universally available specialist telephone support service, combined with local face to face support and guided online information.  The aim of this will be to enable individuals with a dementia diagnosis to better understand their condition and navigate the Health and Social Care systems. The service will enable Thurrock Council to discharge its duties under the Care Act 2014.


Councillor Muldowney noted the risk section at paragraph 7.4 of the report and the slight risk of the Better Care Fund being reduced. Councillor Muldowney queried the risk of not going forward this.


Councillor M Hooper the risk of not going ahead would be devastating for those with dementia and their carers who use this service. The cost of not offering it could move on to other statutory services if we don’t step in and ultimately if could save the Council money.


Councillor V Morris Cook welcomed the report and expressed concern regarding the increase in those being diagnosed with dementia. Councillor V Morris Cook raised that there is a risk the Council wont be able to support in the current way in the future and may need to do something different.


Councillor M Hooper stated that carers save the country a great deal of money and this procurement is how to provide for this. Councillor M Hooper acknowledged that there is a growing elderly population as science and medication are helping people live longer and this will have to be monitored and kept under review.


Councillor J Kent permitted Councillor Speight to make comment or ask a question. Councillor Speight stated that the more local we can keep the system the better. The contract is currently with the Alzheimer’s Society and there is local control and accessibility. Councillor Speight also requested that if a saving is achieved this money is set aside as a rainy day fund so other organisations that help our elderly like Re-engage should they need it to bring back local control and humanity.


Councillor J Kent responded that they were unable to predetermine the procurement process but he noted what had been said about quality and locality and this should be built into the procurement process. Councillor J Kent also acknowledged this a problem that is only going to get worse.


Councillor Muldowney queried if option 3 was just for Thurrock, or across SET (Southend, Essex and Thurrock).


The Head of Transformation and Commissioning for ASC confirmed it was just for Thurrock.




1.1          Cabinet approved the recommendation to tender for a Support, Information and Advice for Dementia (SIAD) service to meet the council’s statutory requirements in law.  The proposed start date contract would be April 1st 2025 running until March 31st 2028 (with a possible years extension) totalling £582,760.


1.2     Cabinet agreed to delegate the award of the contract to the Executive Director for Adults and Health in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing.


Reason for the decision: as outlined in the report

This decision is subject to call-in


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