The Head of Financial Assurance, Internal Audit, Risk and Insurance introduced the report to the Committee.
19.32 the Co-opted Member Charles Clarke arrived at the meeting
Members queried if the plan is approved tonight how soon will the work start. The Head of Financial Assurance, Internal Audit, Risk and Insurance confirmed that they are ready to start the Payroll and Pothole Management audits, field work can begin in August. The Head of Financial Assurance, Internal Audit, Risk and Insurance suggested that a monthly update by email could be provided to members as the next Audit Committee meeting is not until 3 October 2024.
Co-opted Member Jasdip Singh queried if the Internal Audit team will be using Mazars this year. The Head of Financial Assurance, Internal Audit, Risk and Insurance responded that at the moment that is not the plan however, it is always an option if needed. An advert will shortly be going out for a Permanent Senior Auditor and a 6-month contract for an Auditor will be advertised through the matrix agency.
Members queried the difference between the columns Assurance and Advisory. The Head of Financial Assurance, Internal Audit, Risk and Insurance stated that the Internal Audit team have two hats, they can provide assurance, do planned work, provide an opinion and an action plan. Alternatively, they can act as a critical friend or trusted advisor on a piece of work to add value so things don’t go wrong. Any actions are normally softer.
Members queried if there were any audits that they were worried may not go smoothly. The Head of Financial Assurance, Internal Audit, Risk and Insurance stated that she had concerns about the broad scope of some of the audits such as the demand for Adult Social Care and Children’s Social Care in a 20-day budget. The audits need to be carefully scoped and they are also mindful of the pressure already on the service. The audits on the plan are deemed worthy in terms of risk.
Co-opted Member Charles Clarke noted that Payroll and Pothole Management are audits deferred from last year, he queried if they will be given priority. The Head of Financial Assurance, Internal Audit, Risk and Insurance reassured the Committee that they had been deferred for good reasons, the team do consider the pressures on the service when considering when to complete the audits throughout the year.
Co-opted Member Charles Clarke queried the timing of the learning points on major projects as lessons need to be learnt now. The Head of Financial Assurance, Internal Audit, Risk and Insurance stated that she will take this away and see if it can be brought forward as a priority.
Members queried if the cost of each audit could be confirmed. The Head of Financial Assurance, Internal Audit, Risk and Insurance confirmed that they do not calculate it in terms of cost but the number of days officers spend on the audit. Context is provided in the audit for example as to the cost of pothole spend.
Members queried how often the plan is reviewed. The Head of Financial Assurance, Internal Audit, Risk and Insurance stated that it is reviewed at least quarterly but they are hoping to do it monthly. The Head of Financial Assurance, Internal Audit, Risk and Insurance reassured the Committee that the team will be transparent and members will be updated as to any changes.
Co-opted Member Jasdip Singh queried how Internal Audit ensure timely responses are received. The Head of Financial Assurance, Internal Audit, Risk and Insurance stated that they do spend time with the Head of Service to agree the best time to complete the audit. The Head of Financial Assurance, Internal Audit, Risk and Insurance stated that she can escalate to the S151 officer and bring the matter back to the Audit Committee if there are obstructions. The Head of Financial Assurance, Internal Audit, Risk and Insurance highlighted that their aim is to work with Heads of Services so they can add value to their services.
1.1 The Audit Committee considered and approved the 2024/25 Internal Audit Plan.
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