The Service Manager for Contract Compliance and Brokerage presented the report to the Committee. She explained that Thurrock historically did not tender residential care contracts. There is a small care market in Thurrock with just 12 homes for elderly residents and 25 for working age adults. In Thurrock they contract with every care provider located within the Borough and have Local authority funded placements in each home. The current contracts expire on 31st August. The Service Manager for Contract Compliance and Brokerage confirmed they are seeking a contract period of 5 years which may, by mutual agreement, be extended for a further 24-month period, up to a maximum of 7 years. There will be a 6 months’ notice period to exit this contract, if this contractual approach no longer offers value for money for the local authority the contract can be terminated and reprocured in a different way.
Councillor Pothecary thanked the Service Manager for Contract Compliance and Brokerage for the report and for explaining why tendering isn’t necessarily helpful. Councillor Pothecary noted 40% were placed outside of the borough and queried if there is a breakdown of that 40% in relation to choice versus necessity.
The Service Manager for Contract Compliance and Brokerage confirmed that very little of that percentage would be down to necessity as they manage vacancies well. Sometimes its not a good idea for service users to be in Thurrock due to drug misuse and it may hinder their rehabilitation to be based in Thurrock.
Councillor Polley commended the service satisfaction levels and queried if there is any concern one provider may apply for all the care homes.
The Service Manager for Contract Compliance and Brokerage responded that it was very unlikely as almost all the care homes were individually owned. The likelihood of them all selling to one organisation would be low.
The Director of Adult Social Care and Community Development highlighted that the relationship with providers is really good and they are trusted and trust the care homes in equal measure.
The Service Manager for Contract Compliance and Brokerage thanked Councillor Polley for her comments complimenting the carer’s care towards residents and stated that she will feed this back.
Councillor Sammons queried if homes didn’t win the tender would residents be expected to move.
The Service Manager for Contract Compliance and Brokerage explained that the Local Authority could only give them the rate agreed in the tender process but they couldn’t restrict the choice. The Service Manager for Contract Compliance and Brokerage was of the view they would be unlikely to move residents but the rate may change for new residents.
Councillor Polley highlighted that because of the position the council is in, she wants it to be clear that they are not selling off care homes.
The Director of Adult Social Care and Community Development responded that this is about maintaining the market we have without having to involve smaller providers in a lengthy tender process.
Councillor Pothecary queried recommendation 1.3.
The Service Manager for Contract Compliance and Brokerage stated that she was on leave and someone else amended the report whilst she was away and paragraph 1.3 shouldn’t be in the report.
The Director of Adult Social Care and Community Development clarified that recommendation 1.3 is about agreeing an annual uplift which hasn’t been published yet. It can be removed so only 1.1 and 1.2 are relevant tonight and it will be brought back to committee at a later date once the uplift is known.
1.1 That HOSC endorse a waiver from the constitutional requirement for competitive tendering for the provision of care home services for older people, working age adults, and supported accommodation, and approve a single sourcing arrangement for new contracts for care home and supported accommodation placements commissioned by the Council.
1.2 That HOSC endorse the delegation to the S151 officer and Commissioners, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, the authority to award contracts for care home and supported accommodation services to meet the assessed needs and preferences of older people and working age adults.
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