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No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Board meeting held on 29 February 2024.
Additional documents: Minutes: PUBLIC Minutes of the meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board held on 4th September 2024 4.00pm-6.00pm
Present: Councillor M Hooper (Chair) Councillor John Kent
Margaret Allen, Deputy Thurrock Alliance Director Rita Thakaria, Partnership Director, Thurrock Council, EPUT and NELFT Jim Nicolson, Adult Safeguarding Board Michael Dineen, Assistant Director for Counter Fraud and Community Safety Mark Tebbs, Chief Executive, CVS Andrea Clement, Assistant Director for Public Health Kim James, Chief Operating Officer, Healthwatch Thurrock Jenny Barnett, Chief Superintendent, Essex Police
Apologies: Councillor Hartstean Councillor Deborah Arnold (Vice-Chair) Sharon Stoltz, Director of Public Health Ian Wake, Executive Director for Adults and Health Sheila Murphy, Executive Director for Children’s Services Claire Demmel, Executive Director for Place Michele Lucas, Assistant Director Gill Burns, Director of Children’s Services, Northeast London Foundation Trust (NELFT) Aleksandra Mecan, Thurrock Alliance Director Alex Green, Executive Director of Community Services and Partnerships, Essex Partnership University Trust (EPUT) Michelle Stapleton, Integrated Care Pathway Director, Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust Fiona Ryan, Managing Director, Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust BJ Harrington, Chief Constable, Essex Police Sharon Hall, Northeast London Foundation Trust (NELFT)
Guests: Andrew Graham, LD Health Commissioner Caitlin Smith, Healthwatch Thurrock Alison Birch, Head of Connected Pathways Mid and South Essex Primary Care Team Christopher Smith, Programme Manager Thurrock Council
1. Welcome, Introduction and Apologies
Colleagues were welcomed and apologies were noted. Margaret Allen provided representation from the Thurrock Alliance and Andrea Clement attended on behalf of Sharon Stoltz.
2. Minutes / Action Log
The minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Board meeting held on 29th February 2024 were approved as a correct record.
3. Urgent Items There were no items received in advance of the Board.
4. Declaration of Interests
There were no declarations of interest.
5. Consequential amendments to the Health and Wellbeing Board’s Term of Reference and membership
This item was introduced by Andrea Clement. Key points included: · The draft Terms of Reference was circulated in advance of the Board. · The Terms of Reference will be reviewed annually. · Minor amendments to the Board’s membership to ensure that the TOR reflects changes in personnel. Members are asked to propose new members that they feel would be appropriate for Board. · The flag system, introduced in response to the independent review recommendations will continue to be adopted, helping to ensure agenda items are provided with adequate time at meetings. · The action and decision log will continue to be utilised to support the effective monitoring of actions agreed by members. · A register of attendance will be created and maintained. · A request made by Thurrock Community Safety Partnership that the Board provides oversight of Thurrock’s action plan in response to the Serious Violence Duty and Essex Strategy.
During discussions, the following points were made: · A request was made for Alex Mecan to be removed as member of the board. Margaret Allen will be attending as representative for Thurrock Alliance and MSE Health and Care Partnership.
Decision: Members agreed to the consequential amendments to its Terms of ... view the full minutes text for item 1. |