Venue: Committee Room 2, Civic Offices, New Road, Grays, Essex, RM17 6SL. View directions
Contact: Rhiannon Whiteley, Senior Democratic Services Officer Email:
No. | Item |
To approve as a correct record the minutes of Cabinet held on 11 September 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 11 September 2024 were approved as a correct record. |
Items of Urgent Business To receive additional items that the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency, in accordance with Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no items of urgent business. |
Declaration of Interests Additional documents: Minutes: No interests were declared. |
Statements by the Leader Additional documents: Minutes: No statements were made by the Leader. |
Briefings on Policy, Budget and Other Issues Additional documents: Minutes: There were no briefings on policy, budget or other issues. |
Petitions submitted by Members of the Public Additional documents: Minutes: No petitions were submitted by members of the public. |
Questions from Non-Executive Members Additional documents: Minutes: There were no questions from Non-Executive Members. |
Matters Referred to the Cabinet for Consideration by an Overview and Scrutiny Committee Additional documents: Minutes: There were no matters referred to the Cabinet for consideration by an Overview and Scrutiny Committee. |
Delegated Decisions taken since the last meeting PDF 36 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Leader highlighted that a list of delegated decisions taken since the last meeting were included in the agenda. |
Microsoft Licensing - Reprocurement PDF 140 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Resources introduced the item and explained that Microsoft licenses are essential to how officers work at the council. The cost of the new contract will be contained within existing IT budgets. There will be annual licence audits to determine the value for the next 12 months. The total value of the contract is estimated at £1.7million. The tender process will commence in November and the contract will commence in April 2025. Officers will also be asking suppliers for their social value contribution.
The Cabinet Member for Community Partnerships queried how much the cost savings would be.
The Cabinet Member for Resources confirmed a saving of 2.3% can be expected.
The Cabinet Member for Community Partnerships queried the annual license audit.
The Cabinet Member for Resources clarified that once a year it will be assessed if staff members have reduced and whether the number of licenses can therefore be reduced.
RESOLVED: 1.3 Cabinet agreed to delegate the award of the contract to the Executive Director of Corporate Services in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder.
Reason for the decision: as outlined in the report The decision is subject to call-in |
Protected characteristics for care leavers PDF 160 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Children’s Services introduced the report and explained that the report stems from the Motion that was unanimously supported by all 49 Councillors at Full Council on 24th July 2024. It seeks Cabinet’s approval to recognise Care Experience as a locally protected characteristic, following the decision made at Full Council. At Full Council Members agreed to treat individuals up to the age of 25, who have been in the care of Thurrock Children’s Services, as having a locally protected characteristic, similar to those outlined in the Equality Act 2010. The policy will ensure that the Council considers the unique challenges faced by care-experienced young people and how their care history may impact the opportunities available to them. As Council policy is an executive function, Cabinet’s approval is now required to formalise this decision and put the motion into effect. The motion and this report are the result of ongoing discussions with the Thurrock Young Voices Group, a group of young people aged 11-15 who meet regularly and have direct experience of local authority involvement. They brought to our attention that many other local authorities—currently 92 across the country—have already recognised care experience as a protected characteristic, and they strongly advocated for Thurrock to follow suit. The Cabinet Member for Children’s Services further explained that the Independent Review of Children’s Social Care, conducted by Josh McAllister in May 2022, highlights the discrimination, stigma, and prejudice that many care-experienced individuals face in their daily lives. Public perceptions often focus on negative stereotypes, portraying these individuals as irreparably damaged, which can lead to harmful assumptions and barriers. These stereotypes are not only prevalent in the media but are also felt deeply by care-experienced adults, making this policy all the more important. The Cabinet Member for Childrens Services stated that to continue improving the support offered to care leavers in Thurrock, the report recommends that care experience be treated as a locally protected characteristic. There are no additional costs associated with the proposal and any expenses will be covered by existing budgets.
The Leader commented that it was a really significant item and when Young Voices came to speak at the Full Council meeting it was incredibly powerful. All members are corporate parents and that responsibility needs to be taken seriously. Some of the statistics are shocking, one quarter of all homeless people were in care and one quarter of the prison population also spent time in care. More needs to be done and this is a significant step.
The Cabinet Member for Resources echoed the Leader’s comments. It is important to acknowledge the unique challenges faced by these individuals, ensuring they have safe access to opportunities, education and employment and beyond. Hopefully, it will support them to overcome barriers and achieve their full potential.
The Non-Executive Member Councillor Speight stated that Young Voices were a tremendous group. Councillor Speight commented that he expects Members will not need to do much scrutiny on this great proposal as those young people will ... view the full minutes text for item 58. |
Change to the contract procedure rule (Chapter 9, Part 2 of the Council’s Constitution) PDF 126 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Resources introduced the report. The report recommends amendments to the Contract Procedure Rules in response to the Procurement Act 2023.
The Cabinet Member for Community Partnerships welcomed the changes and hoped it would encourage more local businesses to do business with the Council. The Cabinet Member for Community Partnerships queried how local businesses and social enterprises will be informed.
The Leader confirmed that the Procurement Act 2023 implementation date is early next year which gives the Council time to plan how we will work with communities and businesses to make sure they know about the opportunities and look at the way we offer the opportunities too.
2. For the reasons set out in this report, the Cabinet noted the changes in the procurement regulations and approved the Council’s amended Contract Procedure Rules in Appendix 2, which are due to take effect on the implementation date of the Procurement Act 2023.
Reason for the decision: as outlined in the report This decision is subject to call-in |
Housing Development – Garage Sites PDF 197 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Good Growth stated that the report outlines an exciting new development of 46 Council houses at Affordable Rent across sites in South Ockendon, Chadwell St Mary, and Stanford Le-Hope. The sites are currently being used as garages and represent a fantastic opportunity to deliver much-needed homes for residents. Cabinet’s approval is required to proceed with self-delivering this housing programme. This will include moving forward with the tendering process for construction contracts through a competitive process. The funding for this important development will come from a combination of Right to Buy Receipts, which are held specifically to support the creation of new homes for rent within our Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and we have been allowed to borrow against the HRA. The project is a key part of the Council’s commitment to improving housing across Thurrock and represents the type of forward-thinking development that is central to our vision for a Fresh Start for Thurrock.
The Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing welcomed the report and stated that he was over the moon they would be developing 46 council properties. Since 1981 2 million council properties have been sold off and only 4% have been replaced. The Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing stated that it breaks his heart having to support people who cannot find somewhere to live at an affordable cost.
The Cabinet Member for Community Partnerships stated that it is wonderful that the Council is on the right tracks to be able to borrow again. She queried how this project will be different from past projects.
The Cabinet Member for Good Growth responded that there will be a Development Board that will be scrutinised. Lots of financial modelling has been completed and there will be a 10% tolerance on construction. There is always a risk but the project will be monitored by the Place Overview and Scrutiny Committee, by Councillor Watson as Portfolio Holder and also at monthly meetings to ensure the project is on time and within the budget envelope.
The Cabinet Member for Resources congratulated the Cabinet Member for Good Growth.
The Cabinet Member for Change and Improvement queried how disruption to nearby residents will be minimised.
The Cabinet Member for Good Growth confirmed there will be full community engagement and construction timelines. Construction will be completed within a reasonable time and not late at night.
The Leader stated that it was a significant step forward that the Government had the confidence to allow the council to borrow £10 million pounds and this shows the difference a Labour Government can make.
2.1 Cabinet approved that the model for delivery of the programme is self – delivery by the council within the HRA.
2.2 Cabinet approved subject to Government agreement to sufficient borrowing, to commence a procurement process and to delegate to the Interim Executive Director for Place following consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Good Growth and Section 151 Officer, the decision to make the necessary contract awards for: ... view the full minutes text for item 60. |
Belhus Park Conservation Management Plan PDF 125 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Good Growth stated that the report is on the Conservation Management Plan for Belhus Park, a Grade-II Registered Park and Garden located in the west of our borough. In 2018, Belhus Park was added to Historic England’s Heritage at Risk Register. This highlights the importance of preserving and protecting this valuable heritage asset for future generations.The Conservation Management Plan, prepared by the Place Directorate, through funding by National Highways, is a crucial step in efforts to manage and safeguard the historical significance of Belhus Park. It has been developed in close collaboration with key stakeholders involved in the site’s management and understanding. The report not only reviews the development and content of the Conservation Management Plan but also seeks Cabinet’s approval to publish it for public consultation, ensuring that we engage the community in shaping the future of this important heritage site.
The Cabinet Member for Resources noted the diverse amount of stakeholders involved in manager Belhus Park and queried the Council’s role.
The Cabinet Member for Good Growth stated that the park belongs within the Council’s boundary and the Council be the main stakeholder, the Council will ensure all stakeholders are involved and there will be a need to work holistically. The Cabinet Member for Good Growth congratulated officers on the detailed report.
The Leader added his thanks to officers who prepared the action plan. Building consensus with all stakeholders to manage and improve it will be important.
RESOLVED: 2.1 Cabinet approved the Belhus Park Conservation Management Plan (Appendix A & B) for public consultation for 8 weeks and agree to delegate authority to the Interim Executive Director of Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, to make any changes resulting from that consultation and adopt the final version.
Reason for the decision: as outlined in the report This decision is subject to call-in |
Local Development Scheme – Thurrock Local Plan PDF 183 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Good Growth introduced the report and stated that the report outlines the timetable for the Council’s Local Plan and sets out the key milestones. The Local Plan is crucial for guiding future development and growth across the borough. The next major step is to consult on the Regulation 19 document, which will help shape the final version of the plan. After reviewing our evidence base and considering various external factors, a revised timetable for the preparation of the Local Plan has been identified.
The Cabinet Member for Good Growth explained that Cabinet is being asked to agree to this updated timetable, which will then be submitted to the Secretary of State. To ensure that Cabinet can effectively monitor progress against these new milestones, the Chief Planning Officer will be tasked with bringing a progress report to Cabinet on a six-monthly basis. The report also identifies a funding shortfall of £1.28 million, which will be closely monitored and addressed through the Council’s annual budget-setting process.
The Cabinet Member for Resources stated that it is impossible to move forward without ensuring that the evidence base is sound. An additional £1.28 million of funding is also required. The Cabinet Member for Resources commented that unfortunately, it is an inherited situation that has to be put right.
The Leader echoed the Cabinet Member for Resources comments that this is a legacy issue and they cannot afford to do this wrong.
RESOLVED: 2.1 Cabinet agreed the revised timetable for production of the Thurrock Local Plan; and 2.2 Cabinet agreed that authority is delegated to the Chief Planning Officer, in consultation with the portfolio holder for Good Growth, to produce, submit, and publish a Local Development Scheme incorporating the revised timetable for the Thurrock Local Plan as set out in this report; and 2.3 Cabinet noted that the Chief Planning Officer will report progress to Cabinet on a six-monthly basis achieved against the milestones set out in the body of this Report and reports on any changes as a result of amendments to the National Planning Policy Framework; 2.4 Cabinet noted that the Chief Planning Officer engages in direct contact with the appropriate personnel at the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government and keeps them informed of progress achieved towards the adoption of the replacement Local Plan for Thurrock; 2.5 That the additional funding of £1.28 million required to progress the Local Plan to adoption as identified in Paragraph 7.2 and table 5, be noted. Cabinet also noted (as per paragraph 7.16):- · The additional funding of £1.28m will be addressed annually as part of the budget setting proposals when general fund reserves are reviewed. · That additional costs are capped at £1.28m and further Cabinet approval is required for any expenditure over this sum. 2.6 That Cabinet receive a report on the Stantec Local Plan review which identifies how recommendations will be addressed.
Reason for the decision: as outlined in this report This decision is subject to call-in |
Planning Service Transformation & Improvement Programme PDF 172 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Good Growth introduced the report and stated that it is to update Cabinet on the progress of the comprehensive Planning Service Transformation & Improvement Programme (PSTIP). The programme was developed in response to the Planning Advisory Service (PAS) Review, conducted with the Local Government Association in late 2023. The review outlined 11 key recommendations for improvement, which form the foundation of the transformation. A Planning Improvement Board has been established, chaired by the Executive Director of Place, which convenes every two weeks to closely monitor and guide the progress of the programme. There are clear signs of improvement for example, the backlog of planning applications has been reduced by 80%, demonstrating real progress in one of our key areas of focus. Section 4.8 of the report details the progress against each of the 11 recommendations. To keep the leadership team informed, the Programme Manager provides a monthly highlight report, summarising key achievements and progress, which is circulated to the Chief Executive through the Executive Director of Place. A further progress report will be issued in early 2025, following a re-visit by the Planning Advisory Service to assess our continued improvement.
The Cabinet Member for Community Partnerships queried what the biggest challenge is.
The Cabinet Member for Good Growth responded that clearing the backlog remained a challenge. The Planning team restructure is ongoing.
The Cabinet Member for Community Partnerships noted the improvement in Members Enquiries responses.
The Cabinet Member for Good Growth noted that Thurrock has 4 Development Orders and LDO’s and she would therefore like to commend the staff for their hard work.
2.1 Cabinet noted the progress made regarding the development and implementation of the Planning Service Transformation and Improvement Plan (PSTIP) based on the 11 recommendations outlined in the PAS review report that was presented to Cabinet in March 2024.
Re-Tender of the Council's Motor Insurance PDF 135 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Resources introduced the report and explained that due to an error the current premium cannot be held beyond the first year of contract and it is necessary to re-tender for the council’s motor insurance.
The Cabinet Member for Community Partnerships queried if it is understood how this happened so this will not happen again.
The Cabinet Member for Resources commended staff for picking up the situation and clarified it is not the council’s fault. The situation is such that the council has no choice but to re-tender and go back out to market.
RESOLVED: 2.1 Cabinet agreed and supported the proposal to commission a tender exercise in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 for the supply of motor insurance and; 2.2 Cabinet approved delegation to the Section 151 Officer to enter into and award the necessary contract following the procurement process, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder of Resources.
Reason for the decision: as outlined in the report This decision is subject to call-in |
Freeport Progress Report PDF 175 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Leader introduced the report and stated that the Thames Freeport is a fantastic opportunity for Thurrock. It will create jobs, lead to investment and infrastructure. It is estimated that the potential for the Thames Freeport over the medium term is to attract 4.6 billion pounds of new investment, contribute over 5 billion to the UK economy and create many thousands of new jobs. It is important that local people are able to take full advantage of this opportunity. The Council has an important role as the Freeport Accountable Body with responsibility for ensuring public funds are used properly and that good governance is in place. The report is to update cabinet on the progress of the Freeport.
The Cabinet Member for Resources queried the specific steps being taken to ensure there are jobs for local people.
The Leader responded that the Skills levy is there to ensure that people are work-ready. The Leader added that we should be leaning on our Freeport partners to ensure some of the apprenticeships are available for our care leavers. We are still in the first 18 months of the Freeport. If we create 10,000 jobs and those higher paid jobs go to people in Brentwood and Colchester, we would have failed.
The Cabinet Member for Resources commented that a significant amount of people have been out of work for some time and this can have an impact on their health. She stated that it is reassuring to hear that local residents will benefit from this economic growth.
The Leader stated that if they get this right, it could be transformational for Thurrock.
RESOLVED: 2.1 Cabinet noted the overall purpose, strategic objectives and progress made with delivery of the Freeport 2.2 Cabinet agreed to delegate to the Assistant Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader, Cabinet Member for Change and Improvement, Cabinet Member for Resources and Cabinet Member for Good Growth, Chief Executive Officer, S151 Officer and Monitoring Officer to: 2.2.1 Cabinet approved and agreed to enter into the legally binding agreements (including Grant Funding Agreements) required to deliver the Freeport between the Council, Thames Freeport Limited the shareholders of Thames Freeport Limited, organisations represented on the Governing Body and other relevant parties as appropriate; 2.2.2 Cabinet approved the Thames Freeport Limited Business and Financial Plan for 2025-26 2.3 Cabinet agreed to delegate to the S151 Officer in consultation with the Leader, Cabinet Member for Change and Improvement, Cabinet Member for Resources and Cabinet Member for Good Growth, Chief Executive Officer, Assistant Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer to: 2.3.1 Cabinet approved the remaining Outline Business Case for Seed Capital funding once due diligence is complete and it has been confirmed by officers that projects align with the Thames Freeport full Business case or have otherwise been agreed by MHCLG through the formal change control process. 2.3.2 Cabinet agreed to the release of Seed Capital funding to grant recipients where funding has been requested to develop Full Business Cases and has been approved by MHCLG ... view the full minutes text for item 65. |